NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Oh I understand. But I think it's ____ing stupid. And it's not even a price issue. What am I going to do with 3 giant ass Predators? :lol

Maybe i'll put them in various places around the house. By the toilet, in the backyard...maybe on the roof...:lol

Obviously arguing with me about this isnt going to change anything...and i'm only doing it right now because i'm waiting for something :lol...

I'm still buying one. So NECA still getting my money.


On the roof for the win!
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Ok, well lets put it this way: you will pay up to $240 for a single Pred with all 3 heads right? To order all 3 Preds it will cost about that much with shipping and tax. If room is the problem, just keep the heads and stow away the bodies somewhere.

That way you paid the price you were willing to pay for a figure with all three heads, you have all three heads and only have to display one figure which is what you want.

Even if you don't have any storage space and you throw the other 2 headless bodies away, you still have a figure, and the three heads at the price you suggested was appropriate.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Oh I understand. But I think it's ____ing stupid. And it's not even a price issue. What am I going to do with 3 giant ass Predators? :lol

Maybe i'll put them in various places around the house. By the toilet, in the backyard...maybe on the roof...:lol

Obviously arguing with me about this isnt going to change anything...and i'm only doing it right now because i'm waiting for something :lol...

I'm still buying one. So NECA still getting my money.

You could buy all three, keep the heads and throw away (or sell) two bodies.....voila, problem solved!

You have one predator, three heads, and everybody's happy :D

EDIT: Seems like Jace Madan shares the same thought on this!
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Hell, you could probably sell the bodies/gear on ebay for a neat little profit.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I want real bones with this Predator. REAL BONES. I want to know this Predator toy was responsible for 100,000,000 dead baby animals.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I want real bones with this Predator. REAL BONES. I want to know this Predator toy was responsible for 100,000,000 dead baby animals.

I second this motion!

I want baby bones!

Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

It's not a suprise. That's why it pisses me off....But I figured they wouldnt do this because there was such a demand for it. And how "for the fans" they were when talking about this. And the fact I want it, and dont want 3 giant Predators.

I take the for the fans part as taking a chance on making it at all, and putting a solid effort into its production.

You said yourself, the 18" figures tend to sit on shelves, it's a gamble to put this thing out, so how it's released is the way NECA figure's has the best odds of working out.

I don't feel they've done fans a disservice in how they're releasing this, I think it's the only way we'd ever get it so the real disservice would be never offering such a nice figure in a scale a lot of folks would like.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I take the for the fans part as taking a chance on making it at all, and putting a solid effort into its production.

You said yourself, the 18" figures tend to sit on shelves, it's a gamble to put this thing out, so how it's released is the way NECA figure's has the best odds of working out.

I don't feel they've done fans a disservice in how they're releasing this, I think it's the only way we'd ever get it so the real disservice would be never offering such a nice figure in a scale a lot of folks would like.

No, I dont think they've done a disservice either. I LIKE the figure, and I want it to sell....but I just think they could've handled it a little better. That's all i'm saying.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator


EDIT: And NECA pretty much doesn't care what individuals WANT as long as figures sell. Only if this strategy fails, will they consider changing it in the future!
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

They've been doing this since they first came into the scene...:lol...and I fell for most of 'em.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I wish they could but, the figure costs just too much to make to sell for that cheap. All of the molds, assembly costs, paint apps... NECA has to pay for all of that for each figure and the Predator figure is one of the most expensive and complex figures to produce.

Most 18" have, what? 7,8 POA at the max? This guy has 20. And parts? Heck, his unmasked head face is made up of 6 or 7 individual parts that have to be assembled and painted. And speacking of paint, the paint apps are crazy. Look at his hand: Brown skin, black spots/fingernails, different brown glove, gloss coat on skin... that's 4 different paint apps just for 1 hand! Those assemblers/painters in china don't work for free, and stuff like that costs extra. The cost of NECA to make even the heads is so high they would either have to price the figure at $200 to sell all 3 heads at once (which is not feasable for a company that operates like NECA) or do what they are doing: 1 head per figure, split across 3 figures for $80 a piece. That way they make thier money invested back, and are able to sell the product within the parameters of the way the company sets pricing and retail value.