NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Like I was going to say before all the troll dip____s chimed in for trollfest 2010 and got the thread locked. I can read and write just fine and I have taken in what you say but I just think it smells of bull____. Like I said the www is full of nuts posing as other celebs etc and Im supposed to take a few peoples word as gospel without a single shred of evidence? Who are you that I should take your word. If he is who he says he is he could post some more prototype photos of his work so we can get a better idea of whats to come and surely he would have some photos of his own work. Read the ____ing message I wrote before you comment about what I think dude because youre saying Im not listening when you definitely arent. this is a great opportunity to get a brilliant product and all you want to do is lap it up like some over eager neca junky looking for a fix of anything you can get. Why bother announcing something and taking preorders when all weve seen is a single crappy shopped photo from neca. Ive never seen another company make a big announcement without putting up at leas a few photos first. I know neca and this is probably going to be another example of them blaming the new factory if things dont turn out right but they will do nothing to really change it when they could have. Of course Ill wait till the final product comes out and even if it isnt as good Ill still buy at least one to customize. thats still not going to stop me from voicing my opinions so if you don't like it that just too bad for you. It doesn't give you the right to get all defensive and moronic with me because I do. We need more photos to make sure this thing is done right before this thing gets made and we have to a lot of unnecessary work to make something better that could be brilliant to start with. but I guess youre just one of those blind necas fans that want to kiss arse and dosent really care what we get so lets just wait and see the final product before we start heaping praise on neca.

This continuing the argument crap is what got the thread closed in the first place.


And Kyle does work for NECA...we all know that. We've been here longer than you.
If you took even a reasonable amount of time to look for his posts, you'd see that he has posted stuff here before. There's no reason for him to prove who he says he is just for the new guy, when he's already done it a long time ago.

And we can heap praise on NECA for the brilliant way this looks SO FAR.

That's what we're doing and there's nothing wrong with that.

If you don't like the figure...great. You've stated your LENGTHY opinion about it numerous times. No reason for you to keep ranting and raving every time someone says something good about this fig.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Look, this is the last warning before this thread is permanently locked.

There is no one guilty party here. EVERYONE needs to be respectful to one another.

Whether people like it or not, this is a public forum where members are free to share their thoughts, provided they do so within the rules of the site. No matter how annoying you may find someone who posts here, if they're not breaking rules, it isn't your right to get on their case about it. This site has an ignore feature to avoid seeing posts from people you don't like to hear from, you can also just ignore what's being said and go about your business.

Enough with the post how I want you to post or get out of my thread stuff, no one owns these threads, people aren't always going to say stuff you want to hear, it's not that hard to ignore things.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

i won't miss it. there's already a NECA Predator thread anyway. and who keeps putting quarters in the newbie-troll machine? like Maul said, ignore him.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Open your freakin' eyes..look at the left arm, at the elbow, you'll see that netting isn't sculpted, but that's white/translucent net on his body. It's added, NOT sculpted.

And dude, just chill off a bit, you can criticize without the the hostile attitude and act!

Also, MaulFan already told you tankman/Kyle has his own site where you could see his sculpts. I don't know the address, but I'm sure somebody could post the link to make you shut up about that for a bit.

hehehe, yeah....made me laugh as well now that you pointed it out...I've fixed the typo now ;)

Open your eyes a bit more because it looks like there is some sculpted netting there to me but we cant really tell because there arent any high res shots so we can actually see what going on properly after its been hyped announced and preorders are up. And you chill man because I dont know why you would think Im being so hostile You chill and worry about the pred more because its looking more and more like they are going to cheap out on us and probably wont make any mods at all if their past is anything to go buy. After all the years I never believe anything they say untill I see the final product and then I buy after its been out for a while so i dont end up getting one thats full of defects and crap.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Wow check out his old sculpt for the McFarlane T-800. He's really come a long way since then.

There's also the time factor, he could have had a short time to work that up compared to the NECA figures.

Unfortunately, some companies put timing ahead of quality. The McF stuff is decent, but for all we know could have been a bit rushed and if left to take time, could have been as good as the NECA stuff.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Open your eyes a bit more because it looks like there is some sculpted netting there to me but we cant really tell because there arent any high res shots so we can actually see what going on properly after its been hyped announced and preorders are up. And you chill man because I dont know why you would think Im being so hostile You chill and worry about the pred more because its looking more and more like they are going to cheap out on us and probably wont make any mods at all if their past is anything to go buy. After all the years I never believe anything they say untill I see the final product and then I buy after its been out for a while so i dont end up getting one thats full of defects and crap.

I said look at the left arm, as you can see net hanging off of the arm, sculpted net can't hang now, can it?

Regarding your posts, they are very aggressive. You should bring it down a notch, just so this thread would feel more friendly.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

There's also the time factor, he could have had a short time to work that up compared to the NECA figures.

Unfortunately, some companies put timing ahead of quality. The McF stuff is decent, but for all we know could have been a bit rushed and if left to take time, could have been as good as the NECA stuff.
yeah, he said NECA rushed the Predators figures. supposedly, this figure won't be though. guess we'll find out.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Wow check out his old sculpt for the McFarlane T-800. He's really come a long way since then.

That gallery makes me realize that I've owned a lot of tankman sculptures throughout the years. I still have the 18" Jason from part 7 that he sculpted. I was so excited when I bought that one at Spencer's a long, long time ago.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

This continuing the argument crap is what got the thread closed in the first place.


And Kyle does work for NECA...we all know that. We've been here longer than you.
If you took even a reasonable amount of time to look for his posts, you'd see that he has posted stuff here before. There's no reason for him to prove who he says he is just for the new guy, when he's already done it a long time ago.

And we can heap praise on NECA for the brilliant way this looks SO FAR.

That's what we're doing and there's nothing wrong with that.

If you don't like the figure...great. You've stated your LENGTHY opinion about it numerous times. No reason for you to keep ranting and raving every time someone says something good about this fig.

Kyle does work for neca but thats no proof that hes the guy posting here and no photo of his predator make me even more suspicious. Neca would have to give approval but when the cats out of the bag there would be no point in not giving us at least a few higher res front back and side shots unpainted or not that give us more of an idea of whats to come so that we might get changes made that would make this thing crash hot instead of neca standard average. I would pay more a LOT more for something that looks 90%+ like the proto than 60% which is the way its starting to look now from my experience following and collecting neca from their start. Go higher end neca and reap the monetary rewards and all the credibility it will deliver as well.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

yeah, he said NECA rushed the Predators figures. supposedly, this figure won't be though. guess we'll find out.

Not surprising, it's often a flaw with Hot Toys too, rushing to have product ready for a new film release usually means things being off or not the best they could be. With NECA, it at least makes a little more sense, there's a market they cater to that does have the buy what's hot right now mentality and they need to be able to cater to it. Released too long after the movie's new and those people become much less likely to buy.

That gallery makes me realize that I've owned a lot of tankman sculptures throughout the years. I still have the 18" Jason from part 7 that he sculpted. I was so excited when I bought that one at Spencer's a long, long time ago.

I always find it interesting when you get used to buying a sculptor's work for one company and realize an older item you have was done by them with a previous company. I cam to know Andy Bergholtz as a Sideshow sculptor and didn'r realize that a GI Joe bust that came out a few years prior that I have was done him as well.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Once again Tankman cannot post pictures that aren't authorised by NECA. Hes not a private sculptor, he works for a company. So chances are you won't get the proof you want that Tankman is indeed Kyle Windrix.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Once again Tankman cannot post pictures that aren't authorised by NECA. Hes not a private sculptor, he works for a company. So chances are you won't get the proof you want that Tankman is indeed Kyle Windrix.

Once again Whats the big secret now that everything been announced and preorders are up? Im not saying show us photos of the final product but that would be nice too but I am saying that neca could and probably would let Kyle share a few lower res photos of the work he submitted to the factory for the final laser scans that will ultimately be translated into the product we receive so we at least have a chance to get things changed before its too late. thats what im saying about neca from my experience they just tell us and show us one thing and do another and people just lap it up land heap praise on them for screwing things up when they could have been much better. The pred could be one of the best but its starting to look more and more like we are only going to get a half decent final product. thats the way its looking to me right now based on what i know from the past with them and its just not right and its a shame because its going to be a real pain in the arse to fix up all the stuff i think is going to be wrong.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

I just pre ordered 6 of them today. 2 of each, going to unbox 3 of them, keep the other 3 in the box, might sell them at a later date. These guys look amazing! Predator was one of my favorite movies I couldn't pass up this chance to own the largest Predator toy ever created.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

i'd rather pay 100$ for a NECA large scale than 400$ for a 1:6 hot toys figure (i'm not a HUGE HT fan and only buy a few things from them cause i can't afford to get a full line up thanks to their insane pricing, HT is not a collector wallet friendly company)
neca's 1/4 scale p1 (and their smaller counterpart) is more "accurate" than HT, for HALF THE PRICE as previously stated. i feel, whether or not it comes with all three heads (or extra hands) or not, we're finally getting the P1 we deserve, slightly (and i do mean slightly) less articulated, but spot on compared to HT.
Re: Neca 1/4 Predator

and People must realize that they can buy TWO different original Predator for the price of only one Hot Toys figure. And this one is 10 times cooler than any HT Predator fig in my book.
Besides this figure obviously is costing a ALOT to produce, so I understand having 3 different versions.
It's the original Predator the way I've always wanted and now is here. No complaints here.