about Ledger I have no idea how people forget Ledget was in movies like 10 Things I Hate About You , A Knight's Tale and lets not forget Brokeback Mountain lol

The Joker is still one of the best Villains I've seen
There's people out there that sleep in the streets every day, but unfortunately they do not get gross amounts of money to play all day. So what, he slept in a frigging hut. He still got to go home after, to an extremely large mansion and commence banging extremely hot broads, even with that extremely large beak!
well, that goes for every actor ever, Even Arnold, I guess they were just saying Brody was preparing in the jungle, to get into character, but yeah, every single actor you see in every single movie has those mansions, so is not Only Brody, is everyone in Hollywood,

Yeah, I'm just hearing a bunch of Brody HATERS...
He's a very versatile actor, he's got an awesome personality. I mean, come on. He trained for how many hours a day for Predators?
He's a serious, awesome, GOOD, actor. He takes his job very seriously, and goes through whatever he can to make his character perfect. And that, imo, makes him a badass.
If he can play whatever girly dude he played in the piano movie and win an oscar for it (He did right? Well, he won something..), then play a muscled up mercenary/assassin killer guy, he's a badass.
He was great in Kong, splice, The Village, etc.
Talented, versatile, serious, good-looking, in shape, awkward crooked nose = badass
Suck it
I have to say, I like Adrien Brody, as an actor, he is not my favorite, far from it, but, at the same time, I dont dislike him, if the movie is good and he is in it, it wont ruin it for me, he is okay,
also Did people see the Same Pianist movie that I Saw? I have no idea why people think that movie is some girly movie or something, that movie was about Nazis and Brody is a Jewish musician that has to hide, is pretty much your standard World War II related movie,
I have to admit, before seeing the movie I even thought it had to do with some romance or that it was like The English Patient or something like that but, no is just about the war, still dont know why the hate,
he was good in the Jacket, he was good in the Village, he never played a though guy before But, the way I see it, Brody is better than Topher Grace, he ruined Predators And Venom, at least Brody tried to be though and it was not the worst, but Grace ruined spiderman...
Sure Berserker Would Never be defeated by Brody in real life but that is thanks to the Sucky writing, I mean, I kinda wished Classic did more damage to Berserker, that by the time he fought Brody he was already injured, that would have made more sense