i'm at work ... and this is making me laugh really bad!!!
afraid i'm gonna wake up all the damn patients hehe
who hasn't?![]()
I get what you're saying. The way the HT pred-heads are now the mandibles need to be in place for the masks to fit - but why did that have to be so? Why couldn't they have got the mask to plug into the (empty) slots where the mandibles go? Excellent point, I don't see why they couldn't. Aswell as enabling greater sculpt accuracy it'd also eliminate the worry of scratching paint off the mandibles as you force the biomask on.
Mine just came from Amazon today. And ya know what? My wife was more intrigued and amazed by it than I was![]()
who hasn't?![]()
Of course.
One thing I've always thought would be perfect is if they, like you said, had the Bio plug into the face. It's just so much easier that way. Head sculpt could be accurate, you wouldn't scrape your 200$ figure, etc. And come on, they already do it with the mandibles and breathing mask..
I really just think they don't care anymore. A lot of people worship Hot Toys and will buy anything they make.
Kinda pisses you off, doesn't it?
Lost in translation... yes, my point exactly. It's not always easy to articulate, when your native language isn't english, but that's exactly what I meant. Thanks for the translation, buddy.
We seem to agree, but elder not wearing a bio is no reason for it not to work. And yes the bio is horrendous...
All I'm saying Hot Toys could've made the head work. I mean P2 elder sculpt was near perfection. All they needed to do was duplicate it to P1 with a few minor changes (elder's design was based on P1 anyway).
Unless... it's another case of V1 Joker and there's a DX written somewhere between the lines here, hmmm...
But anyway, rambling on... in my opinion all HT open mandibles look somewhat off (with the exception of P2), but if they really wanted to keep the interchangable mandibles and not give out three separate headsculpts, all they needed to do was make the bio in a fashion none of the mandibles need to be under it (you cant see them there anyway). The bio could've attach to the jaw, just like the mandibles. Maybe that way it would've even stayed on a little better? Hence there wouldn't of been anything to hold the artistry of the headsculpts back... What was so hard at that?
Overall, after seeing what NECA just pulled off, the Hot Toys P1 head/bio is a big disappointment.
I get what you're saying. The way the HT pred-heads are now the mandibles need to be in place for the masks to fit - but why did that have to be so? Why couldn't they have got the mask to plug into the (empty) slots where the mandibles go? Excellent point, I don't see why they couldn't. Aswell as enabling greater sculpt accuracy it'd also eliminate the worry of scratching paint off the mandibles as you force the biomask on.
I don't know why they didn't implement it.
I actually thought about this before, I mention it like 100 pages ago, but my Idea was, Why doesn't HT just make 3 sets of mandibles or something, have the pred Open mouth, have mandibles for close mouth without the bio, and if THERE needs to be mandibles underneath for the bio to fit, why not just sculpt a third set just for the bio, I mean, your idea is better, just have the Bio fit over the face without mandibles
I really dont want to talk bad about HT, but, i cant understand why they didnt