NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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I would choose to believe Burke was telling the truth there. It adds an element of melancholy and tragedy for the Ripley character and is a significant foundation for her relationship with Newt later in the film. Retconning Amanda back to life and also having her be a bada$$ because Ripley is a bada$$ does feel somewhat forced. Not everyone actually is 'strong' or has to be strong in literally the exactly same circumstances.

Although I wouldn't not play a videogame because the main character is female, that also struck me as odd.
I haven't played the game myself. 2 big reasons:

1- My 4 year old is interested in everythign I do and would want to be actively involved...and that just wouldn't work. - sigh - video games are something I just can't really do anymore as it seems I never have the energy to fire up the old system after everyone goes to bed. Maybe in a couple years...

2- Everything in the Alien universe does not have to be about Ripley! Its like they are scared to do anything without her. Its a big universe, they should explore it with some good writing instead of leaning on the Ripley crutch in literally everything they do. As soon as I heard the plot to the game, it reminded me of that latest round of novels that came out where they claim the alien species has carried on a centuries old grudge against the Ripley bloodline...blah blah. All just terrible to me. Didn't they learn anything from when that same plot was used in Jaws 4?! Its so ridiculously hokey I can't stand it.

So back on topic, I will probably buy the Alien creature if I find it on a Toys R Us shelf as I think it looks OK. I might get the pressure suit Amanda just to paint it green and 'pretend' it is Lambert. I won't be pre-ordering anything from that series though.
[...]they claim the alien species has carried on a centuries old grudge against the Ripley bloodline...[...]

Oh wow, that's terrible. It even takes away from one of the most fearful aspects of the Xenomorph, that they're cold biological machines devoid of human motivation or emotion.
I was was fine with this until you said that you wont play a game with a female playable character... why?
Personal quirk. Being male myself, I prefer my on-screen alter-ego to reflect that.

I would choose to believe Burke was telling the truth there. It adds an element of melancholy and tragedy for the Ripley character and is a significant foundation for her relationship with Newt later in the film. Retconning Amanda back to life and also having her be a bada$$ because Ripley is a bada$$ does feel somewhat forced. Not everyone actually is 'strong' or has to be strong in literally the exactly same circumstances.
In light of Isolation's plot, it doesn't really make much sense for the Company to let Amanda survive to a ripe old age in the first place, either, and their treatment of Ripley after her recovery becomes completely nonsensical.

Everything in the Alien universe does not have to be about Ripley! Its like they are scared to do anything without her. Its a big universe, they should explore it with some good writing instead of leaning on the Ripley crutch in literally everything they do. As soon as I heard the plot to the game, it reminded me of that latest round of novels that came out where they claim the alien species has carried on a centuries old grudge against the Ripley bloodline...blah blah. All just terrible to me. Didn't they learn anything from when that same plot was used in Jaws 4?! Its so ridiculously hokey I can't stand it.
I like Alien: Isolation as you know, but the whole Ripley thing is what bothers me about Alien V. It probably could be Alien IV seeing as Alien Resurrection was set a couple of centuries later with a different 'clone' Ripley altogether. I get all the excitement about seeing the return of Ripley and Hicks, but I am in agreement with bigbisont. There is a bigger universe to explore that need not involve Ellen Ripley. I read the third novel, but one and two once I found out what they were about didn't interest me.
Can't ****ing wait for Alien 5 with Ripley and Hicks. I'm not even sure if Michael Biehn is signed on? I read an article saying he was but someone said it was fake, I dunno.

As for exploring the rest of the Alien universe without Ripley (and presumably without the Alien) - isn't that what Prometheus and its sequel are doing?
Yeah, that's true. It's hard to even speculate what Prometheus 2 will be about. No idea if WY will be in it or whether the whole movie will be just Shaw and David. I like the CGI version of the Fifield scene. It kind of seemed more horrifying to me what the black goo could do to a human. It's a pity NECA didn't release more human figures.
Personal quirk. Being male myself, I prefer my on-screen alter-ego to reflect that.

That's rather interesting - in light of Alien concerning itself with (what has been deemed) 'the monstrous feminine', the abject terror of the ****** dentata and castration anxiety. :wink1:

On a (somewhat) related note, I was watching Alien again last night, and during the early scene where they are orbiting the planet, you'll recall there are many quick shots of navigational graphics, statistics, readouts, etc. The BD clarity is great in this respect but, interestingly, there's one brief shot of a control panel readout (either Ash's or Ripley's - one can't really tell), and taped to a knob at the right of the screen is a B+W photograph of a small kitten - with the title '*****' written above it. :lol:

Now, we can assume that it's a photo of Jones the cat, but given the film's attention to sexual terror (both overt and inferred), it's...rather interesting. :wink1:
In my defense, I said "rely on good writing" instead of Ellen Ripley. I did not say "do whatever you feel like, whether it makes sense or not" without Ellen Ripley.

I did not personally hate Prometheus, and it did expand the universe, but it left a lot to be desired and was a bit silly at times. I don't see Prometheus as proof the universe needs more Ripley.

(btw, I'm not a Ripley hater in case anyone wondered. Just saying that like any other good thing, there can be too much)
If Prometheus 2 does not come out, I wouldn't be sad at all. Went to see Prometheus to get scared sh**less, never was scared for a second, rather came out form the moving feeling totally dejected and bored. Alien 5 on the other hand I am really looking forward too. I do hope that Neca does release some figures form Aliens 5 too. For now I am really looking forward to the Aliens Series 5 figures which will be released in US soon but probably couple of months away from available in retail Aussie stores :(. And I always pick up Neca figures form retail stores.
Can't ****ing wait for Alien 5 with Ripley and Hicks. I'm not even sure if Michael Biehn is signed on? I read an article saying he was but someone said it was fake, I dunno.
Blomkamp seems to think Biehn will be in it, if his latest concept art is anything to go by:


That's rather interesting - in light of Alien concerning itself with (what has been deemed) 'the monstrous feminine', the abject terror of the ****** dentata and castration anxiety. :wink1:
That's an interestingly counter-intuitive characterization, given that the creature in question is dependent upon what's essentially rape to reproduce, and basically has a big, toothy ***** for a head. :rolleyes2
Those concept art pics, while being the pics that got me excited about this, are simultaneously annoying me because Hick's face really shouldn't be ****ed up to that degree, if at all. Don't these guys have a copy of Aliens to see how he looks at the end of that film?
Can't ****ing wait for Alien 5 with Ripley and Hicks. I'm not even sure if Michael Biehn is signed on? I read an article saying he was but someone said it was fake, I dunno.

Blomkamp seems to think Biehn will be in it, if his latest concept art is anything to go by:

Well, as of June 29th, he was not 'officially' in yet. In this interview he expressed optimism he would be eventually.

My guess is contract dispute is holding things up, but both parties clearly want it to happen. Still, it is not official and these 'pretty pictures' don't mean a heck of a whole lot.