NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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By backlash I mean a big uptick in grumbling, complaining and "I thought that you had a Newt plan B" on twitter.

I didn't say or advocate that anyone should boycott NECA in any way.

I know, that was just me. I didn't intend to make it look like you were suggesting anyone do that.
I think this is Randy speak and he's trying to mislead us so he can drop a bomber jacket Ripley on us either w/ Newt or a single carded bomber version down the line. After the A:R Ripley which they will do, the Bomber jacket Ripley with swap out arms for the full jumpsuit look is the only other version of her I can see them doing. I still believe Newt will see the light of day and something will be revealed about Newt after the SDCC wraps up.

There was a tweet Randy replied to a couple weeks ago when asked what his favorite version of Ripley is and he said we haven't seen her yet. This was after the A3 Ripley was released so he's either talking about the A:R version which I doubt they have done yet or another, possibly the bomber version that would cover two major looks for SW in Aliens and we know how he feels about A3 & A:R so I'm guessing the bomber jacket Ripley w/ swap out arms what he was referring to. Just my opinion though!
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... I wonder how many Ripley's they're allowed to do. I mean, there's not much looks of her I could see selling well other than Resurrection and Aliens jacket, UNLESS, the problem is they want to do more Kenner tributes with her. I don't know much about them, but are there any memorable Kenner versions of her that people would buy?

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Have you guys seen the levitating Dropship by KidsLogic?
... couldn't resist anymore and snagged a Newt off eBay. I know Randy has "a plan" but I didn't want to risk chances and a friend offered his help to bring the figure along when he returns from the US early next month, so I'll be saving in shipping which is always a ***** to my country. Anyway, waiting to see what plan B turns out to be

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Even you caved? Alright now I'm getting nervous
...I wasn't going to, but I just can't figure out how are they're going to release another Newt. Maybe a 2-pack? But with shipping and taxes to my country it was probably going to end up being expensive anyway. At least now I have some peace of mind on that one

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Plus if they do re-release her later on, you can probably sell off the SDCC Newt for at least what you paid for it.
Today I opened up my 1/4 Warrior. While my series 8 figures arrived in perfect condition, the Warrior's box looked like it had survived a nuclear explosion! The side panel was torn, the head was out of the plastic 'head wrap' and my first thought was, 'ok, lets see how damaged this figure is'.

Funnily enough, the figure appears to be unscathed. Save for a few silver (?) paint drops here and there (very small), I'm impressed with both the sculpt and paint.

I'm thinking of getting another one, and setting them up by the side of my 1/4 Queen bust. A few cellphone pics:



I'm using the HT Dynamic Figure stand. Setting up the Warrior was a much harder endeavour than the Big Chap, whom I've displayed as simply standing upright. The 'walking' pose of the Warrior was hard to setup without it feeling extremely flimsy, even with the stand supporting the back. Since I've already had one 1/4 figure take a dive last month, I've placed a pillow below the Detolf, just in case it decides to dive within the next 24 hours.

I also received the Series 8 assortment, when I open them up I'll do a comparison with the S3 dog.
So I got my second A3 Ripley delivered from amazon yesterday (first was from eBay but the right leg came detached and was all wonky, so I sent her back for a refund). I know some have said they weren't impressed with the likeness, and at first glance I could kind of see why.

But looking at it more in hand now, the head is growing on me and even from certain angles and lighting, she looks just fine. It's not 100% but it's good enough for a 20-something figure and I'm happy with her.

Just ordered the 1/4 warrior as well, nothing but Alien goodness the last few days. And sooo pumped for SDCC. I want to see those Kenner Aliens I grew up with!
This looks freakin awesome. I could not find it listed on their website yet.

1600 HKD = $206.33 USD, which would not be a bad price for this imo depending on the build materials and quality of the final product.

This may be bought.

I'm totally getting this for my desk at work.
I work at an airline, so this is all the more fitting.
I'm looking for some good stands to support the 1/4 Warrior and 1/4 Big Chap, can anyone post some links of where I could buy them please?
Also what kind of stands would be recommended for the 7'' figures? thank you.
As much as I am always demanding more '86 figures, when you see it all laid out like this, it really puts it in perspective. If you told me 3 years ago we would get all this, I'd have lost my mind. (not even pictured are the facehugger tubes or power loader)

Still need more though!
I also have a friend in the US to whom I can have Newt shipped... But still, 60 euros... Aaargh. Must think.
...for me the choice was easy. I'm already paying double for each NECA figure with shipping and customs anyway. At least I won't be paying those for Newt. Wish I lived in the US xD

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I'm looking for some good stands to support the 1/4 Warrior and 1/4 Big Chap, can anyone post some links of where I could buy them please?
Also what kind of stands would be recommended for the 7'' figures? thank you.

I was in the same boat. If you 're in the US, Kaiser doll stands off Amazon are very cheap. However they 're not widely available in Europe and they sell for 5 times the price here. I've been using the Hot Toys Dynamic Figure Stand - pricey, but well made and it can accommodate a variety of poses. The trouble is finding these for a decent price.

I don't use stands for my 7" figs but if I did I'd get the 10 pack by NECA:
Yeah, lovely image. Only wish my figures had those paintjobs..(and that I had Newt)

Agreed. As much as I love what NECA is releasing their facial paint job as taken big large steps backwards. Go back and look at Neca’s earlier figures and their paint apps (Hellraiser, Dr. Loomis, Early Cult Classic’s (i.e.. Ash). Even look at the old Wolf Predator and compare to todays AVP.

I continue to collect NECA so I can say “I have a Ripley figure from ALIEN 3”. But I am rarely impressed with their “facial paint apps”

I do know for a fact they did change factories years back!!