@vitus: yeah...the prometheus line is my number one line. Though im excited about the aliens line, id be willing to drop all the other neca lines if it meant a full run for the prometheus line. Ive purchased a case + for all 3 neca prometheus releases thus far (stock figure opened, repainted/customs opened, and figure in the package etc...plus i dont buy many non-prometheus figures aside from the new neca aliens line and predator S8. Thats how i rationalize the money anyways...lol). Point is...i have definitely done my part to 1) put my money where my mouth is and 2) ive sent numerous emails to TRU and other retailers raving about how much i love spending hundreds of dollars on Neca prometheus figures (id recommend others send emails to various retailers as well...sales and retail support are the 2 most important factors in getting series 3). I agree though...we simply must get series 3 over the finish line. I hope we get all 6 of the remaining figures, but i could at least move forward if i was able to get shaw and fifield. cheers to prometheus plastic junkies