NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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I don't understand the hate for them. That's what they look like in the battle scenes, particularly Hudson :lol My only annoyance is dodgy paint and that Hudson didn't get any kind of a neutral sculpt.

Agreed. Spotty paint is their downfall, but the sculpts are fine. The Hudson head is spot on and instantly recognizable.

As for Hicks, just watch the "I cannot give that order!" scene in "the Rock" and you see Michael Biehn in all his anguished screaming glory and you will realize the sculpt aint bad. Its def Michael Biehn and he is, in fact, a toothy gummy screaming kinda guy. He was that way at times in Aliens to but the scenes were brief and there are no easily found 'google search images' of that face on him, so people don't imagine him that way.

So because a sculpt doesn't nail the exact degree of expression in a specific shot you happen to find in a google search that means it doesn't look like them?

Naw, nothing like that. I was just having some fun with the Hudson sculpts. I think they do match his expressions in the movie pretty well, especially the game over one.
I'm getting deja vu here, particularly with the "gummy toothy" bit.

We did in fact talk about this before...much like anything else we talk about. It's all repetition. Even making note of the fact we repeat ourselves is repetition of something we've done before <- but I don't think this is, this is a new step - acknowledging the repetition of having previously acknowledged repetition.
We did in fact talk about this before...much like anything else we talk about. It's all repetition. Even making note of the fact we repeat ourselves is repetition of something we've done before <- but I don't think this is, this is a new step - acknowledging the repetition of having previously acknowledged repetition.
ok my head hurts now
If those are bootlegs they look pretty much identical to the real deal.
Randy seems to have a fairly cavalier attitude about the bootlegs. On Twitter he usually says something like "Yeah, it sucks but whatcha gonna do..." In actuality there is probably nothing that can be done but I have to believe that the bootlegs, being put out at basically the same time as the real figures, have got to put a bite on NECA's bottom line.

And something that I have always wondered about. The bootlegs do not appear to be recasts. If that is even possible with a 1/10 scale figure. Someone must be stealing the molds or something. And the bootlegs actually look really good.. for bootlegs. The figures, packaging, everything... How do the bootleggers copy everything so well.

Is it like the Twix factory. Two factories across the street from each other in China making the same product.

"We make action figures covered with paint apps" and "We make action figures cloaked with paint apps"

It's been talked about many times and most suspect it's extras being produced along with NECA's production order run.
It's been talked about many times and most suspect it's extras being produced along with NECA's production order run.
I can see that happening very easily, Neca orders quantity X, plant produces X + Y and sells Y direct to consumers pocketing $.

I'll get in trouble for saying this, but............. Could the bootlegs be seconds, ( not passing QC )? Disclaimer I typed that while :lol
I got my two pack(s) today. For the most part the set is great, my only complaints are that the armor is missing the black wash of the first release and that the weathering on the armor seem's to have been done haphazardly on both my Hudson's shin armor. Both of these are easy fixes though.

On another forum I read someone mention "gummy" weapons (like Frosts Flamethrower) but all the weapons I received are fine. The weapon slings and the piece of armor that hangs from the back of the helmet are a softer plastic though, which works for those parts imo.

Besides the new flesh tone plastic I think the best part is Hudson's more accurate helmet. Even if they didn't paint his helmet band, I'm really glad they fixed all the other parts of it for this release.

It's been talked about many times and most suspect it's extras being produced along with NECA's production order run.

That would seem to be the logical conclusion but if that were the case the bootleg and real figures would be exactly the same. There usually do appear to be differences in the paint apps and especially the plastics. And if the plastics being used to make the bootlegs are different it would follow that they are being made in a completely different factory. But anyway, not trying to rehash an old debate. It is just interesting to me.
We did in fact talk about this before...much like anything else we talk about. It's all repetition. Even making note of the fact we repeat ourselves is repetition of something we've done before <- but I don't think this is, this is a new step - acknowledging the repetition of having previously acknowledged repetition.

Not gonna lie, if I ever win the lottery or come into a high paying one off job I would so be buying that Alien 3 sculpt and putting it in my collection room. That design just lends itself to some amazing sculpture work.

Your about 5 years too late on that one.ADI no longer has that piece in their possession.:(

Even if they still had it and you had that kind of money on hand,Fox would have still had to give permission to ADI to sell it. It is (or was) their intellectual property.Fox obviously gave permission to auction it.

Although if you won the lottery,I'm sure throwing a couple million at whomever may own it now might bring it home for you.:wink1:
Finally caved in and picked Frost up yesterday. It was quite hard to find one with a decent paint application. Some of them looked horrific. In the end I'm glad I did it. Really looking forward to get the H&H 2-pack.

