NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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I find Alien to be a far superior movie, with better visuals, better acting and a more intriguing story, so yeah, I think it's far better than Aliens for me.
But there's no need to get into huge arguments over it.
Aliens is pretty good, just a bit dated IMHO.

Alien is also my favorite but I really like/enjoy Aliens too. I just recently watched them back to back. I thought Cameron's sequel took a new approach while being respectful to the original. All down hill after that. 3 was a muddled mess and then we got Alien Retardation.
Alien is also my favorite but I really like/enjoy Aliens too. I just recently watched them back to back. I thought Cameron's sequel took a new approach while being respectful to the original. All down hill after that. 3 was a muddled mess and then we got Alien Retardation.

3 I only really love the assembly cut. Resurrection ? Its got some very interesting ideas in there, but its lost in the bizarre comedic tone in some areas and they never really truly explore the whole dual loyalties of Ripley 8, or even if she is the only clone to survive maturity. It does give us an idea that a company down the road could in theory make alien / human hybrid soldiers.
Here's the way I see it as someone old enough to have seen both Alien and Aliens in the theatre. First off, I was 8 when I saw Alien and it blew me away, maybe even more than Star Wars did, I was so interested and curious of the world and the Alien itself that it was probably the first movie that really got to me and to me was legendary. Granted, I was only 8 but I still remember the previews with just the simple shots of the corridors of the Nostromo and not much else and I was hooked before I even saw the movie. I loved Alien and tried to get my hands on everything merchandise wise I could which was a fraction of what we have today but there were some cool cards, books & of course the old Kenner jumbo Alien that now matter how hard I tried I could not convince my parents to buy it for me. They never saw the movie but my mom after looking at the Alien figure in the store said no, that thing will not be in my house. I remember hoping that someday there would be a sequel to expand on the universe but after a few years I figured it wasn't happening. Things were a lot harder to find out about then without internet and all the social media we have today.

Fast forward to 86 and I just so happened to be walking through the book section of a Target and saw the paper back of Aliens! I thought to myself, what in the hell is this not knowing that a sequel was being made let alone even close to being released. Of course I bought it and found out that yes my long awaited sequel was finally happening. I read that book a couple times before seeing the movie which I also loved. The thought of multiple Aliens and Colonial Marines captured my imagination all over again just like Alien did 7 years prior with Alien. I saw the film several times and thought it was a masterpiece until I saw the director's cut which took it up several more notches for me.

Point is, both are fantastic but very different movies. I love both and they are probably 1 and 2 in my all time favorites. As time goes by though they get exposed and aren't quite as perfect as you remember but if you think back to the 1st time you saw each I'm guessing they both blew you away. After all these years Alien does seem a bit slow to me but in 1979 that movie was way ahead of its time. Aliens now for me also have some flaws and I usually only watch the extended version but I love it too.

Both are incredible and remember without Alien there would be no Aliens! To each his own but if you take each movie for what it was and the time it was released it's pretty remarkable what they were able to do.

No comment on the other Alien movies other than I will watch them if they happen to be on and that the extended cut of Alien 3 is much better than the theatrical version IMO.
I don't think that the first 2 movies are dated much at all, they hold up miraculously to me with only a few visual effects spaceship moments that shows it's age. Is the technology used in the film dated "technically" yes but not in a way that's cheap or rudimentary. The tech still looks bloody cool and sci-fi

And by the way I'm only 20 so if anyone I should be the one saying they look like garbage compared to modern age technology and movies.

I grew up on 80's movies though and other movie classics my Father showed me but because I was quite young I could never really appreciate them for what they are. Wasn't until I was about 17 when I rewatched Aliens that it truly struck me how amazing the film was and to this day I'm still trying to go back and rewatch all the classic movies I was shown as a kid because It's like watching them for the first time now that I can truly appreciate them.

So I guess what I'm saying is for me as time goes on it's doing the opposite of becoming dated, it's becoming more engaging and i'm understanding / appreciating a lot more of what is going on.

And yes I believe in another 20 years I'll be watching Aliens again however it will be from a different perspective, life changes you as you go on and I reckon I'll come away from the movie having got something different out of it then from what I do now.

Truth is that there's a lot more films from the 20th century that look soo much more dated than Alien, Aliens etc. and it's mostly due to resorting to CGI instead of practical effects.
I also do not believe either is dated much, if at all. This silliest of arguments is that it is dated because of tech in the film.

First of all, not everyone is Jules Verne nor can they be psychic. Holding any film to the standard of being 'dated' unless it accurately predicts tech for the fore-sable infinite future is absurd. Second of all, the tech in both films was gritty and rough on purpose. They could have 'star treked' it up and made everything sleek and thin if they wanted, but absolutely no one wanted.

Prometheus tried to inject fancy crap into that universe and what did that get us? A feeling that it didn't belong in that universe.
And by the way I'm only 20 so if anyone I should be the one saying they look like garbage compared to modern age technology and movies.

Wow, I assumed you'd be way older than that. You can take that as a compliment since I'm not talking about a photograph of you :lol

I also do not believe either is dated much, if at all. This silliest of arguments is that it is dated because of tech in the film.

First of all, not everyone is Jules Verne nor can they be psychic. Holding any film to the standard of being 'dated' unless it accurately predicts tech for the fore-sable infinite future is absurd. Second of all, the tech in both films was gritty and rough on purpose. They could have 'star treked' it up and made everything sleek and thin if they wanted, but absolutely no one wanted.

Prometheus tried to inject fancy crap into that universe and what did that get us? A feeling that it didn't belong in that universe.

The funny part about crappy Alien Res is that I remember sitting in the theater opening night thinking to this movie has great visual effects.

What a turd of a movie lol.
"A very special late edition of #facehuggerfriday gives you a first look & an articulation plan for this little creature. Coming in 2017"


Sweet. I imagine this will be released alongside the Queen chest burster and Royal Facehugger they showed last year?
"A very special late edition of #facehuggerfriday gives you a first look & an articulation plan for this little creature. Coming in 2017"

View attachment 305394

Sweet. I imagine this will be released alongside the Queen chest burster and Royal Facehugger they showed last year?

Much better than the original prototype shown. More detailed too. And you are right. I too think this is coming with the Queen Chest Burster and the Royal Facehugger.

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