Neca doing a robocop line

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oh yeah, forgot about the data spike. guess that counts. i don't really care about a base though. i still have the McF base laying around somewhere and i can just stick him on that. there's only so much you can use as a base for Robocop and it's pretty much all boring stuff like a street or factory flooring.

Maybe something like part of his Ford Taurus where you can sit him half in it or some sh't like that, or a computer the figure can interact with, with Bodickers file up on the screen...really makes the figure worth the $20 they charge here.
While the first film will always reign supreme I have to admit I've always been partial to the cool blue paint job of his armor in Robocop 2.

I really love McFarlane's small Robo but his 12" is a disaster and not only for the hips.

I'll be picking this up as I love NECA's 18" Robo, next to their 19" Preds it's my favorite.
I have 2 on order with BBTS. Sad to say but I'm fully expecting one QC issue or another (shoddy paint or breakages) but hopefully not both.

i ordered mine from csc, they have him in stock now, mine shipped today.
a board member here, said he had a case of these come in, and they looked good, with good paint, but hadn't opened any of them, so didn't know about qc as far as breakages.
i have my fingers crossed.
Some great info on upcoming Robo here:

A quick look over Terminator items you should be familiar with from February’s Toy Fair and the pegs at your nearby Toys “R” Us led us to the cyborg you are really interested in…ROBOCOP!! NECA is planning a few different versions of your favorite police cyborg for next year’s anniversary of the film, but for now, we get the “basic” model with an additional interface spike arm. Upcoming versions include Robo with his faceplate removed revealing Peter Weller’s likeness and a battle damaged version from the end of the first film when he fights ED-209. SPEAKING of ED…will we get one to fight Robocop?! NECA would love to do this, but currently, the costs on something so large are far too high. Never fear…if there is a way to make it work, NECA will find it. These are the guys who brought us a giant Balrog and huge Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, aren’t they? For now the plan is just the 3 Robos, but we had to press further and ask about additional characters from the film series. Again, this is something NECA has thought about, but their license does not include Clarence Boddicker and his small army of unforgettable, blood thirsty henchmen. This is also why we’ve only gotten the Predator and no Arnold to play with from that film. Every license is different and very specific as to what you can use from the films.

So the bad news is no ED on the horizon, but luckily it's still possible to show up in the future. I'm most excited about the Battle Damaged Robo from the end of the first movie. I don't believe we've ever gotten a figure of him looking like that! If done well, it could be really awesome! Til then, I'll have my Figma Robo to tide me over...should be arriving by the end of the month!
Some great info on upcoming Robo here:

A quick look over Terminator items you should be familiar with from February’s Toy Fair and the pegs at your nearby Toys “R” Us led us to the cyborg you are really interested in…ROBOCOP!! NECA is planning a few different versions of your favorite police cyborg for next year’s anniversary of the film, but for now, we get the “basic” model with an additional interface spike arm. Upcoming versions include Robo with his faceplate removed revealing Peter Weller’s likeness and a battle damaged version from the end of the first film when he fights ED-209. SPEAKING of ED…will we get one to fight Robocop?! NECA would love to do this, but currently, the costs on something so large are far too high. Never fear…if there is a way to make it work, NECA will find it. These are the guys who brought us a giant Balrog and huge Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, aren’t they? For now the plan is just the 3 Robos, but we had to press further and ask about additional characters from the film series. Again, this is something NECA has thought about, but their license does not include Clarence Boddicker and his small army of unforgettable, blood thirsty henchmen. This is also why we’ve only gotten the Predator and no Arnold to play with from that film. Every license is different and very specific as to what you can use from the films.

So the bad news is no ED on the horizon, but luckily it's still possible to show up in the future. I'm most excited about the Battle Damaged Robo from the end of the first movie. I don't believe we've ever gotten a figure of him looking like that! If done well, it could be really awesome! Til then, I'll have my Figma Robo to tide me over...should be arriving by the end of the month!
i'll believe the Weller likeness when i see it. but why would ED be too expensive? he isn't much bigger than that Bioshock Big Daddy and he doesn't need a lightup feature. maybe they meant they couldn't do a 1/4 ED?

tankman, get in here and clear this up.
CSC, my local store that supplies me all my goodies.

I have lost all hope with neca

sad news, i ordered my robocop from them,i was hoping these would be good,
i've had so many disapointments here lately with neca figures,
the new factory and the old one both suck.:(
I never liked that 18 Inch one. Looked horrible to me. Squishy head, bad paint...mehh.

McF did a better job. They had a really cool paint app they used. Looked pretty real for the price.
I never liked that 18 Inch one. Looked horrible to me. Squishy head, bad paint...mehh.

McF did a better job. They had a really cool paint app they used. Looked pretty real for the price.

You got to be sh'tn...

I picked up this new RoboCop figure today and its pretty good,the new articulated chest is great but yea...i had to sift through like 6 before i found a good paint job and even the one i got had flesh tone exposed on his chin guard,fixed that and he is getting a coat of Future soon.
You got to be sh'tn...

I picked up this new RoboCop figure today and its pretty good,the new articulated chest is great but yea...i had to sift through like 6 before i found a good paint job and even the one i got had flesh tone exposed on his chin guard,fixed that and he is getting a coat of Future soon.

Wish the paint was better and C is a big McDork fan. He loves that pathetic Alien figure and I can call it pathetic because half the sculpting on it is mine. Our 18 inch Robo kicks the crap out of the McFarlane one. It's big and bad ass. One of the cooler 18 inch figures out there.
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