Neca doing a robocop line

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Looking again at the pic in post #1, seems like a shrunken down 18inch Neca Robo with new headsculpt.

Some old pics of my 18'' Robo, love this figure..kicks the ____ out of the SSC PF and i think it is the best sculpt of RoboCop yet.


Neca has made pretty much every movie line McF has ever done... Crazy.

Yep we're pretty much going back because they never really did it right. I must say it's fun and easy to improve on McTodd's toys even though they did a nice Robo. So many other though make us laugh at how bad they were sculpted. The P2 is the worst figure ever. Well besides Hicks. Should be fun to put the two Robo's next to each other and compare.
Yep we're pretty much going back because they never really did it right. I must say it's fun and easy to improve on McTodd's toys even though they did a nice Robo. So many other though make us laugh at how bad they were sculpted. The P2 is the worst figure ever. Well besides Hicks. Should be fun to put the two Robo's next to each other and compare.

Hey Tankman will there be any chance of an ED? I think Robocop fans atm are more interested in an ED than Officer Murphy himself. And RoboCain would be great too, Im sure EVERY Robo fan is an ED fan too in a way and the ED should sell well (maybe even better) than Robo :)
Hey, I was just saying....NECA needs to do lines that have never been done by a company. That'll get 'em noticed. Retreding is boring.

LOL, how freaking funny you are. I guess you are happy with the Mc P2 crap fest. Mc farlane was good at one time until I quit. LOL. It was all down hill from there. They still have some good sports stuff but how sad to see how far down they are on the movie stuff now days.
LOL, how freaking funny you are. I guess you are happy with the Mc P2 crap fest. Mc farlane was good at one time until I quit. LOL. It was all down hill from there. They still have some good sports stuff but how sad to see how far down they are on the movie stuff now days.

Can't agree more bro. Mcfar...who? :lol
When did you leave that company?
Hey Tankman will there be any chance of an ED? I think Robocop fans atm are more interested in an ED than Officer Murphy himself. And RoboCain would be great too, Im sure EVERY Robo fan is an ED fan too in a way and the ED should sell well (maybe even better) than Robo :)

I'm a huge fan and so is Randy and we would so love to put out an Ed. Anther Mcfarlane drop of the ball. I don't know if fans know this but Mcfarlane made a great prototype of Ed and then Todd canned it. He thought because his Matrix figure of that suit Aliens rip off thing didn't sell well then Ed wouldn't either. Such bad moves over at McFarlane and Todd wonders what the hell happened. I'm not sure about the Ed but we do seem very good at getting drop of the ball figures out to people like us. You know fans that would love to have a must get figure and Ed is that. I'm hoping one day to get after Alien 3 and the Queen. Might as well do Alien R while we're at it.
So Tankman, you seem pretty confident that this one will blow the McFarlane version away.

Will we be seeing a scaled down version of that awesome 18" version or what? What about the Peter Weller likeness? Removable helmet? Battle Damage? etc.

Like I said before, I thought the McFarlane one was pretty damn good except for those awful hip joints that snapped easily. If yours is an improvement in all areas, the hips especially, I'll be impressed.

I'm guessing this one will have swappable hands for knives and a hand for the Auto 9?
Can't agree more bro. Mcfar...who? :lol
When did you leave that company?

My bro Randy left for NECA in early 02 and talked me into jumping ship that summer. It was easy for me to leave because I saw how they were handling the Alien and Predator stuff which made us sick really. The idea was the vet sculptors would be on sports and beside who really knows what the Alien and Predator look like. It's been a blast to go back and try to do things right. Over the years nearly all of McFarlane's skilled sculptors have jumped ship. I do feel kind of sad to see where McFarlane is now and I have to give it up to Todd because he let funs like myself come in and do toys in a way it had never been done before. It was a fun and exciting time to be there around 98 to 01.
So Tankman, you seem pretty confident that this one will blow the McFarlane version away.

Will we be seeing a scaled down version of that awesome 18" version or what? What about the Peter Weller likeness? Removable helmet? Battle Damage? etc.

Like I said before, I thought the McFarlane one was pretty damn good except for those awful hip joints that snapped easily. If yours is an improvement in all areas, the hips especially, I'll be impressed.

I'm guessing this one will have swappable hands for knives and a hand for the Auto 9?

The only thing I like better about the McFarlane sculpt is the legs from the front are just a bit thicker which looks better. Our head, chest and detail is way better. We also have done some improved articulation and have some things I bet funs will really welcome. Wait and see.
The only thing I like better about the McFarlane sculpt is the legs from the front are just a bit thicker which looks better. Our head, chest and detail is way better. We also have done some improved articulation and have some things I bet funs will really welcome. Wait and see.

Good to know. Looking forward to seeing completed shots.

Oh by the way, kind of off topic but I picked up the new Ghostface the other day. I'm really impressed with it. Good job Kyle.

Definitely an improvement over the old McFarlane version. The soft goods doesn't bother me like it has others but I'll probably pick up the sculpted version if I see it.
I'm a huge fan and so is Randy and we would so love to put out an Ed. Anther Mcfarlane drop of the ball. I don't know if fans know this but Mcfarlane made a great prototype of Ed and then Todd canned it. He thought because his Matrix figure of that suit Aliens rip off thing didn't sell well then Ed wouldn't either. Such bad moves over at McFarlane and Todd wonders what the hell happened. I'm not sure about the Ed but we do seem very good at getting drop of the ball figures out to people like us. You know fans that would love to have a must get figure and Ed is that. I'm hoping one day to get after Alien 3 and the Queen. Might as well do Alien R while we're at it.
Yes! All of them!
Great to get what is pretty much confirmation of this. Looking forward to having a fuller 7/8" range of Robocop figures. Together with all the Terminator ones and the alien and predator figures NECA are now covering ALL my Big Four licenses.
Nam, yeah Figma are basically the competition to Revoltech. So yeah depending on the character they range from 5 to 6 inches. I dont have any as to what was said. Due to the import prices there expensive for such a small flimsy figure. I was just making the comment that its good
to see that at least there making a cool figure. All they usually make are those girly anime figures.

If I had a choice between the Neca and the Figma, id go Neca, but ill give the articulation advantage to the Figma. Articulation wise Im sure they'll blow the Neca out the water.

Yeah, the Figma looks considerably more articulated. That said though, with the price NECA's offering, so long as the paint's semi decent, this'll be a cool little dude to buy for my desk. :D

Maybe I was a bit unclear in my previous post. If you come here to troll, then infractions will be handed out.

Did something get deleted? I miss all the good stuff! :monkey2 :lol
Yeah same here, Im looking forward to picking me up a decent looking Robocop for my desk as well. The price is reasonable and if they do end up making an ED209 that would be nice addition as well.