Thank you guys. I have been away for the weekend, I'm sure it has grown some more. I'll try to get some more shots tomorrow. Jom by any chance did you get any of these figures, are you planning to? I know you wanted to wait to see if the do Taylor. I think we will be getting one. I have my fingers crossed.
"Just this past Monkey Monday, NECA dropped a teaser image for some of the upcoming figures in their Classic Planet of The Apes Series 2 and 3.
In the images I can see Zira (not fully built) and a partially painted Dr. Zaius, along with a partially painted General Ursus. I don’t recognize the unpainted ape with the sleeveless arms next to Zira. Though, I am guessing he’s from the sequels. We can also see in the picture some Gorilla Soldiers (again partially painted), one of which is chomping on a cigar! The Gorilla with the cigar also looks to be brandishing a shotgun; a weapon that we have not seen in this line as of yet. We also get a sneaky look at the Dog Alien from Alien 3 behind General Ursus.
At this time we know that Zira, Dr. Zaius and General Ursus will be in Series 2 and that there will also be a Gorilla Solider 2-pack.
I have to say if the first series of Classic Planet of The Apes was anything to go by, these will be nothing short of amazing. Series 2 is expected to be released sometime later this year and I don’t think Series 3 will be too far behind with a release early next year. If interested, you can currently pre-order Series 2 here."