NECA: Predator Movie Franchise Figures

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Pic of the Gort mask raw sculpt...

The predators this year certainly look like a step up from the old ones...

And the P1 needs to be re-done using the balljoint thighs from the P2. nao!
Thanks Neca for this treasure!

I hope that the new joint of the leg will not affect the perfect sculpture. I do not want to look like to antiquate toys made ​​by HT and McFarlane
I don't know why, it would be the only 12 inch P2 on the market. And by on the market I mean the freshly made not-$400 market.
I don't know why, it would be the only 12 inch P2 on the market. And by on the market I mean the freshly made not-$400 market.
yeah, we've tried explaining that to them. no dice. all we hear from them is "bigger is always better". they're not gonna budge and it's better to give up with your dignity intact.
It's even more unlikely since they've got a 19" P1 coming out. Why release a figure in three sizes? Plus with NECA, bigger is better; they need all the space they can get to ensure quality paint apps. The smaller it is, the more potential there is for crappiness.
It's even more unlikely since they've got a 19" P1 coming out. Why release a figure in three sizes? Plus with NECA, bigger is better; they need all the space they can get to ensure quality paint apps. The smaller it is, the more potential there is for crappiness.

I was talking about the P2, not the P1.

12 inch figures can be more easily sold at places like TRU, anyway. And I'm sure that everybody who bought a 18 inch P1 would buy a half-the-price 12 inch P2, but I digress.
I've pre-ordered all three versions of the quarter scale Predator, I wouldn't have done that for a 12" figure. Given the choice, I can't imagine a scenario where I'd want a smaller version.
If a 12" P2 was the only larger-scaled representation that they made, then I'd get it. But given the choice between 12" and 19", I'd go with 19" all the way.
Here's a shot of the double jointed knee being used on the new P2 figs.

Shows how crouching will be possible.


yeah it looks like they did some research on other toys such as the figma/revoltech figures who implement these type of knee and elbow joints to get full range of movement. Hopefully it works well and doesnt make the toy to fragile at those points especially the legs.

The bad thing about those type of "double" joints is once they get loose its hard for them to hold a basic standing pose. I know there are ways to fix it, but Im just playing devils advocate. Personally I hope the best for this cause it looks bad ass. Cant wait to get a P2.
Jeez they better get their QC under control or else all this means is yet more joints that can break as soon as we touch them. Though I grant you I'm basing this on my experience of T2 series 3 moreso than the Predators far.