As far as paying a few thousand dollars for prototype-sized figures, you're forgetting one thing. HT may produce inaccurate sculpts, but their paint apps are still great. If I could get a NECA figure with HT's paint apps, I'd be happy. And it seems something like that wouldn't cost more than $200 (keep in mind NECA's not using the same plastic, variety of materials, nor amounts of accessories and gimmicks that HT does). Hell, I bet we could get a 1/4 figure with perfect paint apps for that amount. Why? Becaue the quality-to-price ratio for HT isn't the same as it is for NECA. Look at what NECA's given us for $70-$80: a giant P1 with a great paint job. Add to that a $120-$130 price increase and I bet we could easily get a P1 with a
stellar paint job and more accurate/durable netting.
Unfortunately, that's not in the cards for us, once again, due to what kind of company this is.