I've been saying all along HT needs to nail the likenesses of these guys. They cost a lot and funs that get this stuff love film accurate figures. The new classic is by far their best effort and I can't wait to get him.
Still though how many higher quality 200+ dollar 19 inch Predators could we really sell? Didn't HT do like 500 of the Elder world wide? I know the lost Pred was discounted at Hastings for only 110 last year. Makes me think it didn't do so well and how many did HT make? NECA has to pay much more for me and the others workers. We live in the USA and the company has to sell more than HT and make more which there 200 dollar figure money wise goes further for them then it would for us. I know fans on here would get the high end stuff but really how many of us are out there? If HT could sell 15000 P1 figures at 150 dollars I bet they would. Only having like 1000 makes the higher price more OK because it's more for die hard collectors which are few and far between than the casual collector. Maybe we'll move into trying it some. Only two of us at work get HT figures and 7 of us are toy collectors. The other guys get He Man, Star Wars, Iron Man and such. Most of it is low end and our guys love some of the HT stuff but they just don't want to pay the big price tag. Much more toy guys will go after affordable figures while die hards like me will spend more to get more. I look at the nice Iron Man figures from Mattel or is it Hasbro and think OK they look good but if I get an iron Man I'm going after the HT figure. Only one or two others in the shop would do that and we're all toy geeks.
It's just a harder sell going high end and I'd love for us to get into it. For now after seeing CA I can't help but think man that kicked butt and HT did a beautify figure and I must get it. The new Batman looks great and the latest Classic Predator is in the same boat and as a fan myself I'm excited to get these guys. If only they'll redo Alien though because that figure needs a way better likeness.