i like the Classic, but i'm still on the fence deciding whether to get him. there isn't much point since i'm not getting the other Predators figures. i'm more of a Stan Winston fan than a Predator fan really. so i think i'm just gonna stick to SWS creatures like the P1 and the P2 lost clan. and i'm not gonna bother with the hassle of trying to convert the Classic to a P1. if HT remakes the P1, i'll get that. but i still don't think they will.
no, there were definitely more than 500 Elders made, dude. it was super easy to get. HT was a smaller operation back then but they still made figures in the thousands. and the Elder took forever to sell out anywhere and got put on clearance just like the Lost did. its popularity in the secondary market isn't really due to manufactured rarity. i think it's just because it's a memorable/iconic character and nobody wants to get rid of theirs. plus, 1:6 scale collecting has exploded in just the last couple years and most of those older HT figures are on a crazy demand curve now. you guys might want to jump on that wagon at some point. there's plenty of $$ to be made. just saying.
like i said earlier, it's a quality issue. look at it this way - back in the day, Sideshow was pretty much the only really big high-end figure company. then HT, and Enterbay, and ThreeA, etc turned up. there's more 1:6 collectible companies being created almost every year. so, there's no denying the market for high quality stuff is there. but they know what high-end collectors expect and they meet the demand. if NECA can meet the quality we expect, you get our patronage. if you don't want to play with the big boys, that's fine, there's plenty of other companies for us to choose from now. however, NECA has the advantage of employing some of the best sculptors in the business, hands down. the high-end collectors appreciate that much more than the casual collectors do in your market and you know it. we want what we see in those nice prototype pics, and we're more than willing to pay for that, not the dinky little toys they end up as on the shelf. if you gotta make super limited quantities and sell at high prices to do that, go crazy. we're used to it.
you're preaching to the choir on the Alien thing. i have over 40 HT/Sideshow figures and maybe 15 NECA figures now. i'll go for quality every time if possible. it's just a matter of who makes what.

Couldn't have said it better myself.