Apollo Creed and Rocky damaged are very faithful to the similarity, but
Rocky not damaged I do not really like how it was developed.
Look at this picture, the similarity with Stallone is very far, looks like my cousin Andrea
The NECA sometimes loses a few blows of quality (when my cousin will look at this photo will be happy)
Apollo Creed and Rocky damaged are very faithful to the similarity, but
Rocky not damaged I do not really like how it was developed.
Look at this picture, the similarity with Stallone is very far, looks like my cousin Andrea
The NECA sometimes loses a few blows of quality (when my cousin will look at this photo will be happy)
Uggh...criminy. I seriously think a ton of videos on YouTube have to be some sort of weird performance art, daring you to keep watching them. Combine a subject that's titillating with total awkwardness and ineptness behind the camera and see what wins out!
Why do I want to watch the ENTIRE trailer before the review? You know video editors can...edit video? Truly amazing what computers can do these days. You don't have to leave a dull, empty minute with you fumbling on the shelf in the middle of the video. You're allowed to ya know, plan videos before hand. This isn't live theater where you have to go on stage as soon as the UPS guy dropped off the package.
Doing a search through Toys2 and they still have some HT Rocky figs from back in the day.
Still have them yes, but even though it's a retailer, they're selling them like an eBayer who knows they're old and rare, 3-4 times original price. I'd be more amazed if someone had them in stock and still selling them for original retail price.
I knew they were marked up but wasn't sure if they were a better or worse price than you'd find on ebay. As to his being a retailer but marking them up as though he were selling on ebay - I dunno, what difference does it really make. At least with him you can be more sure hes trustworthy.
Maybe not much help to you but I got mine from the cinema store in Central London