Gordon came today, pretty damn quality paint job, the eyes are well done without being "painted outside the lines" common on figures of this price range, so its rather clean in that regard.
accessory's and sculpting are all very well done, the headcrab can fit on gordons head with great ease, and has movable arms too. all the joints are placed well and not noticeable.
the face is down to personal opinion but acceptable for the price, I think it looks like gordon without thinking it looks odd, the glasses are nice little intricate detail too.
the packaging, simple sleek, the valve and hl2 logo is just awesome too.
So in conclusion for the price this has way more quality than expected and a great first representation of the freeman,the only real fault is its not 12"... and made by hot toys.
10/10 value vs quality
9/10 overall, would prefer some guns like a magnum, or the pistol.