NECA signs on with Valve!!

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CultofSkaro, I was talking about the younger kids over here. There are a lot of people who are in to it but like I said, they're all mid to late 20's who have a wider range of interests in tv shows/movies. Know what I mean? And yes, Darth_Calibrate, where did you get your Freeman?
A couple questions.

Did you get him locally or online? Is the head painted or did they use the same skin-tone plastic like the recent Rocky figures? Does the packaging spoil or preview any other figures from HL2? Is he accurately scaled with other NECA figures?

Thank you.

Grabbed him on ebay for around $20, I think the face may be a painted skin tone, its not a fully consistent color if you look very carefully at it, also gordons beard runs along the entire jaw line, about half way to the ears it becomes very opaque and thin, so thats some nice extra detail. you may be able to tell for sure with pics in the review link i have left.

As for his scaling i really don't know this is my first NECA figure, I have mostly HT and SS 12" figures.

another review good package pics if you wanted to see what the back looks like, a pic alyx ( drawn by valve like the gordon pic on the front ) is on the right side of the box perhaps alluding to her being the next character ( i really want the metro cop though ), that review dosnt show alyx but has a good pic of the back of the box
Awesome - thanks for the pics.

Still not entirely sold on the headsculpt, but maybe it'll impress me in person. It should be alittle longer and the skin tone a bit more pale. If I find him at TRU and he looks good, I'm in for three. If they make Alyx, I'll be thrilled.
while the head sculpt looks a bit bumpy you would really need to look at it closely and under the right light to for your eyes to see it as those photos, you'd probably need a magnifying glass to really pick at small imperfections. heads not much taller than 18mm - 20 mm
youtube review on the freeman

Just grabbed Freeman from TRU on the way home. They just put him out, he wasn't even on the pegs, they just had a stack piled up on the lower shelf. Head sculpt is ok, the beard could be painted darker and fuller, that would've helped IMO. The articulation is pretty good, but can't really hold the gun with both hands. The head crab is awesome.

My biggest complaint... $24.99 price.
My biggest complaint... $24.99 price.

Wait... what the what!? Tell me it's that much because you bought two or something.

$25 is crazy. Sure, Gordon comes with a Headcrab and a few accessories and hands, but really?
Yeah thats crazy! I've never seen a neca figure at TRU for more than 18 or 19$ + tax. Still nothing here in NY. I'll do a check up tomorrow. EDIT: New Ezios and Prometheus S1 have showed up. There is no doubt they have a case of Freemans in the back. There is LITERALLY no place to put him on the shelf. Since there are 2 cases of the newest Predator series out, they should remove one stack of those and put out a stack of Freemans. Just saying.
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Wait... what the what!? Tell me it's that much because you bought two or something.

$25 is crazy. Sure, Gordon comes with a Headcrab and a few accessories and hands, but really?

heh I am used to paying for HT stuff, so $25 per unit for the paint job quality vs the accessory's vs the articulation & presentation iam not complaining, although this is my first NECA unit, how is the paint job and accessory count on other NECA releases, have they gone above and beyond with this release?
Not really. NECA figures are hit or miss in terms of accessories. Depends on the character and/or scene the character is from. Freeman has a good set of accessories.
heh I am used to paying for HT stuff, so $25 per unit for the paint job quality vs the accessory's vs the articulation & presentation iam not complaining, although this is my first NECA unit, how is the paint job and accessory count on other NECA releases, have they gone above and beyond with this release?

$25 is high for NECA. Usually they're in the $15-18 range for a basic 6" figure in their classic clamshell blister packaging. As for accessories, I think they're getting better. For example, the Evil Dead 2 figures have some good accessories and are closer to the $17 mark, while the Rocky figures have no accessories, but are closer to the $15 mark. I guess you could also say the articulation has gone up drastically - previously, NECA figures were more like statues.

As for going above and beyond on this release, I would say they have except for the head sculpt. Generally, it just doesn't look like Gordon, as the head is too round and puffy - Gordon is more skinny or gaunt, to some degree. I'm still waiitng to see him in person to make the final decision. Otherwise, he looks like a very solid release.
Checked the local TRU. They put out the Prometheus and holster Robocop figures, but they literally wedged them in between everything else, so the packaging was alittle rough. However, no Gordon. I thought he'd be shipping with these other two, but I guess not or maybe they just ran out of room. Really it was embarassing with everything all wedged on the pegs.
Thanks for bringing me upto speed on NECA Red Metal, i have seen some freeman's going for $16 on ebay, although if your not in the US the shipping usually outweighs the entire product, but i got used to shipping prices being in Australia where the internet is the only place to get any descent figures.
I've seen every new NECA except for Freeman at my local TRU. I think they just don't have any room on the shelves for him. Seems to be the same case (no pun intended) at a majority of TRU's. There is no doubt that they got him in with the L4D smoker. I'm hoping they will get some shelf space within the next few days so I don't have to order him online.
What's weird is I can't even find Gordon on the TRU website.

Lately, though I haven't seen alot of NECA move really quick. Rocky 4 stuff is still around, despite being the most popular Rocky movie and having the best looking figures (with skin tone plastic). Evil Dead 2 Hero Ash cleared out quick, but even Henrietta moved eventually. Preds are still hanging around. Granted, I didn't see the Prometheus movie, but the figures look like a joke - minimal detail, not very interesting. Assassin's Creed figures, even the new ones, are pegwarming hard. I could go on and on.

I think the problem is that NECA does so much "one and done" stuff that people can't really get excited for a collection. I'm really glad that someone is doing something with Half-Life, but I have no illusion that NECA will carry the line far.
Not just 'one and done' but they'll do a whole line with wave after wave of the same character, like Assassin's Creed. Altair was cool, then its been nothing but Ezios since then, and they seem to be hanging around a lot longer now.

Same with the Freddy's. I appreciate them trying to get one from each movie, but I think they over extended. Like the Freddy with the exposed souls in his chest.

The last line they really did any justice to, was the Bioshock one, IMO. Although it won't be complete without that Spider Slicer.

Anywho, CSC has Gordon in stock for 19.99, FYI. Better price than TRU.
The TRU website is never updated as they get new figures. New NECA figures anyway. Evil Dead 2 series 2 didn't hit the website until 2 weeks after I picked my Hero Ash up. I'm going to hit TRU up tomorrow to see if they made room for Freeman. If not, Tuesday I will be taking the drive out to Amok Time to pick him up.
What's weird is I can't even find Gordon on the TRU website.

Lately, though I haven't seen alot of NECA move really quick. Rocky 4 stuff is still around, despite being the most popular Rocky movie and having the best looking figures (with skin tone plastic). Evil Dead 2 Hero Ash cleared out quick, but even Henrietta moved eventually. Preds are still hanging around. Granted, I didn't see the Prometheus movie, but the figures look like a joke - minimal detail, not very interesting. Assassin's Creed figures, even the new ones, are pegwarming hard. I could go on and on.

I think the problem is that NECA does so much "one and done" stuff that people can't really get excited for a collection. I'm really glad that someone is doing something with Half-Life, but I have no illusion that NECA will carry the line far.

That's bull**** sir. They're better then anything NECA has done since the 1/4th Predator.