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I'm considering making a base, but I haven't really even looked at the bottoms of the figure's feet. Do you think you could buy metal rods at a hardware store or something that would fit in the holes there?
A few attempts to replicate the slime effect, since it's all plastic and cheap, I wasn't afraid to take a stab at replicating the slim effect. Didn't turn out as well as I hoped, but oh well, now I've tried.





I think I might try it.

Not that exact brand, but that type of thing, ya.

I have to say, love this figure, still need to find the small version, but I'm a bit dissappointed photographically at how transparent the dome is, it's very had not to see the eye sockets of the skeletal under structure no matter what lighting you use, which is cool for some freaky shots, but you never saw it that clearly in ALIEN. Sideshow's diorama has a nice balance of transparency, you can see the skeleton but in the right lighting it's just a dome.
From the rear too!:horror

I mean it. I have him in the back of the detolf on the shelf, and the others are near the door, so yeah, he attcks from the rear.
Some ointment I have for healing cuts, it's pretty transparent but thick enough you can sort of mold it, it was only to do a few pictures, nothing long term, I wiped him down afterward.

If you wanted to do something to make this effect long-term, you could try using silicone tub and tile sealant.
As I mentioned earlier, I love this figure, but it's not the most stable. So I decided to make a simple base for it. Obviously it's supposed to look like a metal grating like you might find on the Nostromo. It's not really based off any particular scene, but it was sort of inspired by a couple of shots from the film. It's scratch built from a large piece of wood and a lot of pre-cut strips of basswood (like they sell in hobby stores) glued in place to make the grating. It looks black in the pictures, but it's actually a sort of dark silver, and I covered the grating part with gloss cote to make it look wet. In person, it's a pretty good effect. I drilled a couple of holes and inserted some metal rods to go into the holes in the alien's feet. The holes in the feet only go in about 1/4 of an inch, so it's still not 100% stable, but it's a lot better than before.


that is a killer looking base...............any chance of making some acid burn holes in it? maybe drill it out a bit and put some silicone (or something) & gloss on it??