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Dude, it's not just nice for the price.
It's a fantastic figure!
And for the price it's awesomely fantastic!

I mean, there's 130-dollar Hot Toys figures with broken knees and useless ankles and there's this 40-dollar figure with a slightly off-kilter shin.
Seriously, you will not regret buying this figure if you're an alien fan.

Even though I dont like this guy, you make a great point there. But unless they fix the head, I just dont want to fork over 40 bucks....20 mabye....:eek:
The second wave of figures is supposed to have improved paint apps, you might want to keep an eye out for those.
Maybe someone here gets one of those and can post pics?
So I agree that, for the money, this is an awesome and huge figure. That being said, it is not without issue.

The ankle joints on mine were so tight that I broke one of the feet off trying to get it to move. I ended up gluing it back on.

In hindsight, I could have used a hair dryer or hot water to loosen up the ankle joints, but in my opinion I shouldn't have to.

Mine has the toe in issue as well, and one of the attachment points for the legs will not connect flush no matter how hard I push.

I ended up having to use the tail as a third leg as I cannot get this thing to stand on its own.

Overall I am happy with it. It is a lot of figure for $40. If this thing cost any more, then the current issues would most likely not be acceptable.
for the most part, so far i'm VERY pleased with all of neca's large scale figures (even if they did the number of pirates of the caribbean figures they released) .... and this one looks VERY good

mine are waiting at the LCS in town, ordered a few through them
can't wait to bring em home
The second wave of figures is supposed to have improved paint apps, you might want to keep an eye out for those.
Maybe someone here gets one of those and can post pics?

Mmhhmmm, will do. If it is, i'll look into it. The Alien is my all time favorite design, so....even though I dont like it...theres that little Alien fan in me "buy it!":eek:
Forbidden Planet in London have already sold out of the 7" Alien, and are selling the 18" one for (wait for it) £40. That's $80!
I'm curious to see pics of the second wave figure myself. Doubt I'll get another, unless the paint difference is really significant. Already a great figure.
As I said earlier, the only area with regard to the paint that I would change would be the transparent dome, but I've noticed that if you look at it from a distance it's not really that noticeable and actually looks more or less appropriate. I doubt that I would buy another one just for that.

By the way, I went back and looked up pictures of the Cinemaquette, since I hadn't really paid much attention to it in the past, and with a base I'll be damned if the NECA piece doesn't look as nice or better, at least judging from pictures.
I did it. I got one. I tell ya, its all true, its fantastic. What an amazing piece for a $40 figure. It is better than many statues that cost much more.

And the articulation is amazing but also spectacularly well hidden (as more of a statue guy, thats always a plus for me).

I had the original Kenner figure and now that I've got this I can stop kicking myself for getting rid of it when I thought I was supposed to be too old for this stuff. I got to laugh at that; like Bob Dylan said "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now".

Got to be the first non-LOTR piece I've gotten in a long time! I keep myself pretty disciplined, but I'm so glad I went for this. Now I just have to see if I'll be able to keep the Kane and Dallas preorders. Obviously, the scale isn't the same but they will still look great together, especially if the creature is looming over them from behind.
I love the figure. I almost have it in the cinemaquette pose. (except for the tail and the arms) but I'll have to build a base for it to hold the pose. Definetly the value of the year. Bravo Neca!!
Unless you live in the UK :(

Would you guys still say it was worth it at $80?
Unless you live in the UK :(

Would you guys still say it was worth it at $80?

Honestly, I would say YES!

It's such a spectacular sculpt and it's just damn HUGE!
I was really surprised it wasn't priced more like what you're looking at paying for it to begin with.

But, I'm a huge Alien fan and have been known to spend large amounts of money on things. :naughty
Others will probably not agree with me.

Seriously though, you won't find a better sculpt, in that size, unless you're paying WAY more than $80. GO FOR IT!!
You make a strong case!

I just resent paying double for a figure you guys can get so cheaply. It's just FP and their rip-off prices. I think I'll investigate eBay before I hand over the dosh to them.
You make a strong case!

I just resent paying double for a figure you guys can get so cheaply. It's just FP and their rip-off prices. I think I'll investigate eBay before I hand over the dosh to them.

I think has it for £30.00 with free delivery , just type in alien on gadgets. Not 100% though..
If I had to pay 80 bucks for it, I wouldn't mind.
Of course it's nice to pay half than that, but I think it really is worth more.