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Unless you live in the UK :(

Would you guys still say it was worth it at $80?

i would buy it even for 80$ .... granted i wouldn't buy SIX of them for 80$ .... but i got a great deal on 3 cases .... 2 each in 1 case .... so i got me 6 original alien figures from neca at 30$ each

but then again you get paid in british pounds, doesn't that even it out more or less?

just curious with the cost of living and all that over there
Yeah, I get paid in GBP, but this isn't just a straight currency conversion issue. It's a price hike.

Figure cost in US - $40 = £20 approximately

Figure cost in UK - $80 = £40 approximately

I suppose the shop did have to import them, but even so it's a bit much to double the price! This happens a lot in the UK though, where they'll just change the € sign for the £ sign, and not convert, for example with games consoles. It's been referred to as "Rip-off Britain" in the UK media.
It wasn't me, it was a nice chap at!

But yeah, it's great. He's said he might post pix here of the 18" when he's got around to repainting it.
I'll ask him if he's got any more, those are the only ones I've seen.
What would you use for sealing over the joints? Also what are some good paint brands for this sort of work?
I haven't done it, but I suppose the type of modelling puty used on model kits would be perfect for the job.
A friend of mine has been helping me out with the customization of the 22" figure and he used a cool technique: super glue and talcum powder!
But puty is the way to go for a more controlled effect.
I plan to pose him perfectly....then drop a little bit of super glue on the joints.....then seal the joints with super sculpy....then paint it.
Hi all.

I've been lurking for the past few weeks watching this thread. :lurking

I'm the gimp who painted the alien DSD kindly posted. Blimey! Many thanks for all your kind words.

Some more pics for you



Damn nice!
Thanks for the pics, I'm always on the lookout for inspiration for my (commissioned) repaints.
What I had in mind was something very much like what you did, except for a clear misting of the dome in the front part, instead of black.
Mind telling what colors/paints/techniques you used?

Thanks again and welcome aboard!
Hats off to my man Lovecrafty, that looks excellent.

Because Neca has done such a great job with the sculpt and paint job it was actually ridiculously easy to repaint. I firstly filled in the seams with Milliput. which is great, it's easy to shape and add detail (I use a needle) and drys as hard as stone in a few hours.

I used production pictures of the suit as a guide and used acrylic paints. For the head, I repainted the teeth a nice silver, and drybrushed various tones of greys and light browns onto the jaw and cheek area, which was then blended by giving it a wash of thinned black. Lastly I sprayed a small misting of gloss black onto the front of the dome. For the body, I drybrushed a light greenish brown onto the ribcage and areas I wanted to highlight. I drybrushed silver onto the shoulders and and on certain parts of ribbing. I then gave it all a wash of thinned black mixed with a bit of silver. Lastly I gave the whole thing a coat of gloss varnish.

I look forward to seeing all your repaints.
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Hi all.

I've been lurking for the past few weeks watching this thread. :lurking

I'm the gimp who painted the alien DSD kindly posted. Blimey! Many thanks for all your kind words.

Some more pics for you

looks amazing mate , congrats ! :rock
Post anymore work you do here please !.
My 7" one finally arrived today. Hoo-rah!

Straight out of the box it's a little disappointing. Except not really, because it only cost £8.99 from But you know what I mean, the detailing on the skull, yadda yadda, the same stuff everyone has already mentioned. I also think they could have made it better articulated too. It's still pretty good, but I don't understand why the knees can't bend more than they do. Plus the feet are at a funny angle, and it doesn't stand brilliantly.

But the overall impression the figure gives when you look at it as a whole, is still ace. It's got the right feel to it, and for the price it's really very good value. I just wish I had the paintbrush skills to transform it like Lovecrafty has. Perhaps if I see one on the peg I'll buy a 2nd one and give it a go.