My 7" one finally arrived today. Hoo-rah!
Straight out of the box it's a little disappointing. Except not really, because it only cost £8.99 from But you know what I mean, the detailing on the skull, yadda yadda, the same stuff everyone has already mentioned. I also think they could have made it better articulated too. It's still pretty good, but I don't understand why the knees can't bend more than they do. Plus the feet are at a funny angle, and it doesn't stand brilliantly.
But the overall impression the figure gives when you look at it as a whole, is still ace. It's got the right feel to it, and for the price it's really very good value. I just wish I had the paintbrush skills to transform it like Lovecrafty has. Perhaps if I see one on the peg I'll buy a 2nd one and give it a go.