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My 7" one finally arrived today. Hoo-rah!

Straight out of the box it's a little disappointing. Except not really, because it only cost £8.99 from But you know what I mean, the detailing on the skull, yadda yadda, the same stuff everyone has already mentioned. I also think they could have made it better articulated too. It's still pretty good, but I don't understand why the knees can't bend more than they do. Plus the feet are at a funny angle, and it doesn't stand brilliantly.

But the overall impression the figure gives when you look at it as a whole, is still ace. It's got the right feel to it, and for the price it's really very good value. I just wish I had the paintbrush skills to transform it like Lovecrafty has. Perhaps if I see one on the peg I'll buy a 2nd one and give it a go.

To have the knees or arms bend more, the cuts into the sculpt would have to be more extensive, so I guess it was a matter of allowing good poses without messing too much with the appearance.
One good solution to the dome problem is to spray it with dull-cote (is that the way it's written?). I've done that to one of my figures and it looks good.
This stuff, yeah?


Interesting, I think even I could manage to apply a few coats of that. Have you got any pics?
I've considered a couple of ways to deal with the dome. You can't really paint directly over it, because (at least with the paints I used) the paint won't stick to the slick dome. You might be able to use some sandpaper on it first to rough it up, and then paint. Of course it would probably be preferable to remove the dome and paint the inside, but I haven't worked up my courage to try that yet. It looks good enough as it is that I'm reluctant to possibly screw it up.
No pics, sorry.
But yes, I believe it is that same thing. I do have to ask though, just to be sure.
I've been looking closely at the dome, and it seems to be very well attached, so I wouldn't chance trying to take it off.
The paints I sue are regular Testor's type paints and they work very well on the dome.
Couldn't someone with an airbrush just mist the dome with a gray color? That way, the mist will cover up the dome, but it will be so thin that it's still somewhat transparent. Just a thought.
I decided I'd made the front of my alien's dome a little too black. So I used a fine sandpaper to take the paint off. I kept on sanding and presto!


It really clouded up the dome.

I think I'll try darkening up the bottom of the dome just a little and see how it looks then I promise to leave him alone!

Anyway, I should have his big brother on Saturday to mess with!
I think I'll try darkening up the bottom of the dome just a little and see how it looks then I promise to leave him alone!

I think that will probably make it about perfect. A bit darker would be to my own tastes anyway.
I think that will probably make it about perfect. A bit darker would be to my own tastes anyway.

You should definitely try painting him up. Drybrushing and washes, that's all it takes!
Last time I painted anything was some Games Workshop lead figures in the early 90's! But yeah, maybe I'll give it a go sometime.
Jamesweighs over at the Hive has posted pics of his newly acquired 9" alien, and it has a frosted dome. So I guess the second batch of figures with improved paint apps is hitting stores now.