I don't think SSC has chosen not to do Vader for 2 years, but is looking at it as Vader being the single most important figure that will ever be made in this line. I think if collectors were given the proposition that SSC will make 1 1/6 Star Wars figure ever, what do you want us to do, Vader would win by a landslide, and in seeing that, and hearing all the HT-Medi armor comparison and griping, Sideshow sees Vader as a make or break piece; if Vader comes out dissappointing fans, it could be a downfall for the line because people would judge all armored pieces against him and lose hope and may even grow doubts about non-armored characters. My gut tells me Sideshow wants to take their time with Vader to make it as worthwhile to us as they feel they possibly can; the right under body, the write helmet design, really focus on every minute detail so they'll leave collector's all in awe of what they accomplish. There is such a demand for Vader, they know he'll be under scrutiny far more than any figure to date, and look how much the ones so far have been scrutinized, they want to do well with him and much as I want him done, I want him done right too and I'll wait for that. Medicom's Vader is great, lots of good things about that, but it also has some nagging flaws that I'd love to see SSC's patience overcome, like the poor method for keeping the chest box on him.