New 1:6th Star Wars figure from Original Trology

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Actually that's from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - the first one wth Gene Wilder. If it goes farther back than that, I can't say.

Opps i forgot the :monkey3. I knew that but its also the into to the Portrait of an American Family by Marilyn Manson.
Sold out alreadyu? wow. I thought people were saying that they did not want him! :lol Seriously, I'm kinda sad that it wasn't vader, But that just means two things. One, that vader is not perfect yet, So we must continue to wait. I'm fine with that. And two, that Hurricane will be getting my tax retrun next spring for one of his vaders :rofl

Seriously though, Really glad we got this guy. Atleast it's a villain, AND he's got a recycleable costume. We know that Like the jedi, this guys outfit will be used by sideshow to produce SEVERAL Officers. Even Scott Hinted at it in the video "...The first imperial Officer produced by sideshow...." So we'll probobly have Tarkin, and Piet, possibly even Veers by the end of next year, and now with this, My money is on Thrawn Being the next EU figure produced.

oh, and I snagged two of Praji. one to leave alone, and one to do a headswap to to make a generic Officer.

Bring them on SSC. I really like this guy :) The more I think about it, the more possibiblities i See.

My only question on him is this. He's got a pistol that looks sus[piciously like a Blastec DL-44 (Han's gun) I just don't remember Imperial officers carying pistols like that. is that Screen accurate, or is that creative liscense?
The very clean Snowtrooper that was behind General Veers on the AT-AT had one of those blasters in a side holster. Of course you can't see his lower half on film but I think if you look hard enough at a full body photo of that guy you can tell it's some variation of the Han Solo blaster
When do you think the next 12 inch figure will come out,before Christmas,wouldn't they make a bunch of new ones come out for the holidays?
When do you think the next 12 inch figure will come out,before Christmas,wouldn't they make a bunch of new ones come out for the holidays?

Who can tell when the next announcement will be, but SSC isn't like a mass retail store, they don't have a planned big Holiday offering, last year it was pure luck that Darth Maul was done early and arrived in time for everyone to have a Merry Sithmas.
Yeah, it's true that a great many Star Wars collectors love p*ssing vinegar over products, and you can find most of them over at RS concidentally.

As for me, I do my best to keep the criticisms as constructive as possible, and I always do either speak for myself alone or how I "perceive" the rest of the collecting population.

Like I said in the other thread, my only "complaint" about Commander Praji is the $60 price tag. I just don't see how or why. For me, I know I wouldn't be getting the kind of bang for my buck that I feel is necessary, and I'm basing that by comparing this figure against the rest of the SW line and what they've brought for the same price.

I do feel that the comments made earlier regarding how we never hear someone who blasts a figure choice end up saying anything nice about it. That simply isn't true. Yeah, it's the exception rather than the rule, but there are those of us who can see and state both sides of the coin.

But in case anyone is in doubt, here's a sampling:

Commander Praji - lousy pricepoint, but the uniform looks incredible and the sneer on the portrait fits an Imperial officer PERFECTLY

Plo Koon - God help us...another freakin' Jedi--BUT one of the best alien likenesses so far, and the conceptual wrist gauntlet lightsaber was a stroke of genius...more figure exclusives need to come from concept art

Bespin Luke Skywalker - even now the jacket collar doesn't look quite right, but the overall quality looks great, the Bacta splint looks incredible, and we finally have a solid Mark Hamill portrait

ANH Ben Kenobi - negative here...I just prefer ROTS Kenobi

ANH Leia Organa - Buck female body doesn't look flattering and the portrait leaves a lot to be desired, but this is a classic look for the character and many fans wanted her... (yeah, this one's tough because I really feel like the ball got dropped)

Palpatine/Sidious - OK...I don't see how anyone can really complain outside of the small details...yeah, I raised the issue over the cross-bone patterning on the robes, but that was a detail I loved in the filming costume so my eyes immediately saw the discrepancy. Overall though, this is will be the ULTIMATE figure set.

So, there you have it. There's at least one SW collector who can see the good along with the bad, and there are more on these forums. Our voices just tend to get drowned out by the handful of profanity-laced whiners and the other board members who taunt and ridicule them (actions that are just as much of a turn-off as the chronic whiners...just something to keep in mind...)
You know what's hilarious? Some of the people who complain about the fact that Star Wars gets way too much attention from Sideshow over other lines being among the first to defend the announcement of a figure like Commander Praji. It's almost like they hate SW fans so much that they're happy when SSC announces a "meh" character.

"Yeah, take THAT Star Wars fans! Instead of Vader or something else cool you're getting.... this guy... for $60! Suck it!!" :lol
Jedi Luke Skywalker on the eleventh of November 2005. The exclusive which I had no clue they did exclusives sold out before I placed my order. I now own two of the exclusive Lukes.

We are currently 2 years into the line.
So, there you have it. There's at least one SW collector who can see the good along with the bad, and there are more on these forums. Our voices just tend to get drowned out by the handful of profanity-laced whiners and the other board members who taunt and ridicule them (actions that are just as much of a turn-off as the chronic whiners...just something to keep in mind...)

Whats also annoying is when just because you're happy with things you get labled some fanboy who thinks they can do know wrong. As I said I get worked up I guess by the baseless accusations that are made, the overwhelming *****ing when something isn't made their way or choice isn't what they wanted, etc. SW fans are too about "ME" as I said and maybe thats what I don't get about others who like the same thing I do.
Bah at it all.
Maybe its stupid to whine, but its also stupid to whine about the whiners.

The people who have to call all the negative posters whiners probably can't form arguments strong enough to combat the negative poster's opinion so they have to call them names.
Bah at it all.
Maybe its stupid to whine, but its also stupid to whine about the whiners.

The people who have to call all the negative posters whiners probably can't form arguments strong enough to combat the negative poster's opinion so they have to call them names.

Says the guy who said I act like I've had sex with a SS Sculptor or the Prez. :lol
I really like the idea of two different caps. Did anyone check out the backstage pass video? He looks really cool.

Ya I watched that, but part that kinda got me a bit was declaring him the first Imperial officer we see. Now, if this is the guy that tells Vader how there's no plans on board, then unless you count the back of his head and short dialogue about the pod "there goes another one.." he's not the first because the first one is a rat-faced looking dude that walks through the corridors with Vader, then the 2 of them come upon this guy, so he's technically the second face we see.

This has no bearing on my liking the figure I do, just the Star Wars nerd in me picking up a verbal typo of sorts in the video.