This unexplained hiatus for the Ghostbusters figures is just asinine. It's been said by many others at this point, but it bears repeating, Mattel is seriously making some missteps with this line. They're already in the stage of laziness that you'd expect with a line on life support that they no longer are very concerned about.
The response to the 6" figures themselves is extremely positive, the main stopping blocks for people are $30 a figure and the fear of an incomplete set...which in conjunction could somewhat lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy on the latter point. People are nervous because of the high price and slow schedule, so they don't buy, creating low sales and cutting the life of the line short. Why didn't Mattel release a figure a month? We could've already had the four guys and everyone would be happy! Just instilling that excitement and confidence in consumers could help alleviate the pain of $30 a figure.
Mattel keeps talking about ideas for side characters, variants, ghosts, Real Ghostbusters figures...but nothing's gonna happen at this rate. Three year their current schedule, that means 15 figures in the entire line.
Or if Mattel insists on lame, half-hearted quarterly releases for the Ghostbuster line...what do they have against releasing waves of figures? Why should it be different with an online store vs. brick-and-mortar? Other than of course, Mattel can get much more money..which isn't to be overlooked. But seriously, release three new figures instead of one. Instill that confidence that you believe and are excited about the Ghostbusters line and cut down the cost of shipping per figure a lot. Walter Peck wouldn't be nearly the black hole some people see him as if he was being released alongside two other figures. That would make him a lot easier to buy, having him be a part of a much more attractive package. When he's all we have to look forward to for months...surprise, surprise, he doesn't set the world on fire as much as the main characters.
Just a tiny tiny implementation of smart psychology could make all the difference. It's amazing to me. Mattel certainly seems to be greedy, with their outrageous costs and smart-shopping prohibitive release schedule, when in fact I think they are cheating themselves out of a lot more money by failing to think this through more.