I haven't been following this too closely but has there been any word on further 1/6 figures beyond the 4 principle characters? Maybe Slimer or something?
I haven't been following this too closely but has there been any word on further 1/6 figures beyond the 4 principle characters? Maybe Slimer or something?
so we got no more pics of the new GB figures from toyfair? just that one tiny pic?
yeah i think personally they may stop the 12" line once all the main guys are out and just stick to the 6" line, with variations etc.
Hey, Commtech what flight suit is that? I saw one on Ebay I was thinking about buying since the Venkman Suit pant legs are so short. I just want to see if you might have bought the same one I'm thinking about buying.
It's is a Dragon suit. Got it from point blank toys https://stores.ebay.com/POINT-BLANK-TOYS but got it at their booth in a show, not on ebay, for the same reason that the Mattel pants are too short. Here's someone in Malasyia who has it too: https://cgi.ebay.com.my/1-6-Scale-H...QQptZLH_DefaultDomain_207?hash=item4a9c691b9f
how short at the pants on that figure when they are untucked frm the boots mate?
I'm definitely going to chance the body to a narrow or slim.
I'm definitely going to chance the body to a narrow or slim.
I think I'm definitely going to use the Slim TT since it gives the Venkman figure a less athletic body to it. Compare it with the above regular wide shoulder TT and tell me what you think:
The problem with the Slim TT is that he will look shorter,
Bill Murray isn't short, he's like 6'1" or so, so I think the Narrow Shoulder would look better IMO.
Have fun with your bash!!!
I just did a search and you are right Kuzeh, he's actually 6'2. Shoot!I think I'll switch to the narrow shoulder then, even though I won't be posing him next to other Ghostbusters since I'm only making him.
Now, did he always have his pants untucked in from the boots or are ther scenes where he actually tucks them in? I like the tucked in look better.