Super Freak
Predator 2 always guarantees a mass debate.
The majority of those kills were LARGE GROUPS of crazy, trigger-happy Jamaicans/colombians armed with incredibly deadly machine guns out to brutally kill each other..that ship didnt LAND in LA.....
it crashed. go figure.
majority of those kills were crackheads, and used for trophies.![]()
The majority of those kills were LARGE GROUPS of crazy, trigger-happy Jamaicans/colombians armed with incredibly deadly machine guns out to brutally kill each other..
The trophies were from the elites... King Willy, Danny Archuleta (spelling), Lambert...
I agree with all thoes parts bar the last one. He was on his way back to the ship because he was ____ed up. he was on limited "air" as he had lost his biomask and was obviously in need of a serious sit down and cup of tea. But the last thing he should of done is bring the guy thats ____ed him up back to the lair to potentially harm and possibly kill his other clan mates. Thats why when i think of that scene its like a yelping puppy running back to its owner without thought.People really _____ing over P2 getting injured?
He was a noob. Plain and simple, he was a Youngblood..had never hunted Humans before. He wasn't scared, he was using his god damn instincts and obviously wanted his clanmates to see the final blow..
The majority of those kills were LARGE GROUPS of crazy, trigger-happy Jamaicans/colombians armed with incredibly deadly machine guns out to brutally kill each other..
The trophies were from the elites... King Willy, Danny Archuleta (spelling), Lambert...
Why on earth do you think the ship crashed?
that ship didnt LAND in LA.....
it crashed. go figure.
majority of those kills were crackheads, and used for trophies.![]()
P1 was running from the Terminator P2 was running from the guy from Lethal Weapon!
All though it is a good debate. You have got to wonder if Predator tech falling into our hands was actually the first time or even that big a deal. Because, AVP continuity wise they have helped us for thousands of years and as far as we know helped make us into the race we are. What is to say they didnt introduce one way or another slight technological advances to help us along the way and become better more advanced species. Because we have came an awful long way in an awful short period of time. And also There is bound to be some remains of p1 in the jungle, p2 Had his mask and combi stick lost and the goverment or whatnot was bound to confiscate them. And they already had the dart. And AVP Elder have Lex a Predator weapon as a gift. So maybe the predators do not care about us getting their tech.LThough we mustn't forget that wolf did allow predator technology to get into human hands which could arguably be the greatest predator f___ up of all time, but I'm not trying to start that debate.
It was officially stated that the Jungle Hunter is on higher class than City Hunter. He's good enough so he travelling to hunt alone. The filmakers (and we all knew) that CH is a noob, fresh from college and just got certified to be a clan's warrior. He's so reckless because of that. Filmakers said they wanted to try something new and different from P1, which had an unstoppable killing machine we all love in it, then they changed the villain to a reckless, low experience hunter instead.
What JH killed are a group of very high experience, top-level soldiers. They're elites. What P2 killed are a group of gangsters and spec ops with FREEZERS...
Commentary and Special Features on the disc are useful, you know...
All though it is a good debate. You have got to wonder if Predator tech falling into our hands was actually the first time or even that big a deal. Because, AVP continuity wise they have helped us for thousands of years and as far as we know helped make us into the race we are. What is to say they didnt introduce one way or another slight technological advances to help us along the way and become better more advanced species. Because we have came an awful long way in an awful short period of time. And also There is bound to be some remains of p1 in the jungle, p2 Had his mask and combi stick lost and the goverment or whatnot was bound to confiscate them. And they already had the dart. And AVP Elder have Lex a Predator weapon as a gift. So maybe the predators do not care about us getting their tech.
Damn i wish predator movies were not so full of awesomeness then we could focus on the toys![]()
I agree with you entirely thank you for writing all that out. I wanted to say all of that but know I have a tendency to get to wordy. We have both obviously spent to much time thinking about this haha.IMO, the Original P1 is the only one that has (out of the ones Ive seen in battle ex: Elder/Lost clan dont count) fought with the most cunning and honorable way.
P1-Cunning, Honorable Badass
P2-Sloppy, coward, looked to be honorable due too setting the bomb, then when that failed ran home to family.
AVP-Chopper: gets ass handed to him from the get go, Celtic: Put up a good fight but dies from being sloppy, Scar: Dishonorable, sets off bomb and runs??? Really? You ____ up you die honorably with the prey. Not run.
AVP:R-Scar: As mentioned, great skilled hunter, but his major ____ up was having Predator tech fall into human hands, but he was fighting an upward battle, trying to clean up the ____ fest that the last clan did.
Predators: Tracker: Sloppy, Falconer: Honorable, Bezerker: Brutal, but Probably the most dishonorable Predator in the films. Royce gets the ship and in terms, "wins the game" so to speak and what does he do? Blows up the ship? Punk. Classic: Id like to tell myself that if he wasnt weak from hanging on the totem for so long he might have been able to take Bezerker 1:1, since Zerker didnt have his buddies to back him any more...
I would have loved to see the P2 Elder in action. That would have been sweet, hes obviously a bad ass if hes been around and knows a few things.
Thats my take on the Preds anyways,