It was some risky ____ thoughP2 used different hunting tactics though. P1 used stealth to pick off his prey one by one over a longer period of time, hence why he needed to stay hidden. P2 only needed to use stealth just before the kill as he was taking out larger groups of people at one time. Once the first kill had happened, stealth was irrelevant. It was gung-ho style killing.
It was some risky ____ though
He was none of thoes things when he spent the last 1:5 of the movie running scared from Harrigan! He was careless in thinking he had Harrigan cornered, reckless and erratic when he panicked and threw his combi stick away and tried to blow himself up and then shown the basic instinct of fear and stupidity by running home!
Still <3 the little fella though.
He was none of thoes things when he spent the last 1:5 of the movie running scared from Harrigan! He was careless in thinking he had Harrigan cornered, reckless and erratic when he panicked and threw his combi stick away and tried to blow himself up and then shown the basic instinct of fear and stupidity by running home!
Still <3 the little fella though.
Oh come on, he took several shotgun blasts because he was overly cocky. He had his arm severed off after he decided to use his CQC weapon as a throwing tool then stood in the ledge of a roof prime to be pushed off by Harrigan. he is lucky he grabbed on to harrigans arm or the end of the movie would of been a frightened Predator stood on the edge of a roof then pushed off to his doom! He probably got back to his ship then would face death or being outcast by his own clan for shame anyway and that will be why he went back out to right harrigan... and LOSE.You mean even after:
-Taking several shotgun blasts to the chest;
-Having his arm severed off;
-Unlike P1, who had the saftey of the tree tops to repair himself, he had to use an open bathroom with one arm to heal himself with a relentless and obsessive cop on his ass and a badass granny with a broom waiting outside for him.
-Even when he had reached the safety of the ship, he still went back for one more round against Harrigan.
Oh come on, he took several shotgun blasts because he was overly cocky. He had his arm severed off after he decided to use his CQC weapon as a throwing tool then stood in the ledge of a roof prime to be pushed off by Harrigan. he is lucky he grabbed on to harrigans arm or the end of the movie would of been a frightened Predator stood on the edge of a roof then pushed off to his doom! He probably got back to his ship then would face death by his own clan for shame anyway and that will be why he went back out to right harrigan... and LOSE.
The P1 did plenty of running away too, I've never understood that particular criticism of the P2.
P1 was running from the Terminator P2 was running from the guy from Lethal Weapon!The P1 did plenty of running away too, I've never understood that particular criticism of the P2.
No, he was running from the best cop L.A. has ever seen.P1 was running from the Terminator P2 was running from the guy from Lethal Weapon!