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Most members say they don't care about what their stuff is worth down the line, but l can tell you they would all be pissed off if they spent $250 on a figure and wanted to sell it a couple years later and the figure was only worth $50. So value does matter in the end.

Fair enough. Good point.
Marks I-VI would be insane at that scale.:thud:

Yeah man! Would you buy them though?

Same here, but there is a limit.

For example, HT's War Machine Milk/Oreo version? :pfft:

Seems the whole 1/4 scale thing is just to kill EB, without any thought of if their customers will go for them

I think they would if they would keep the price point in check. And the overall quality too!

Most members say they don't care about what their stuff is worth down the line, but l can tell you they would all be pissed off if they spent $250 on a figure and wanted to sell it a couple years later and the figure was only worth $50. So value does matter in the end.

I like to think as my collection as assets, if l need money l can sell them and get most of my money back. That is reassuring.

+1 to that, Fx!

You do know the world ends this year right?:1-1:

Really?? Oh yeah...its '12. Time flies by so quick. Damn, where is that SS Wolf Bio and LSF? :impatient:

Most members say they don't care about what their stuff is worth down the line, but l can tell you they would all be pissed off if they spent $250 on a figure and wanted to sell it a couple years later and the figure was only worth $50. So value does matter in the end.
Maybe it's because I'm accustomed to taking a big hit on selling my used electronics/cars, but I'm personally happy if can get half of what I paid for something back. The fact that one can normally recoup or actually profit from an old, used figure is pretty extraordinary. I think maybe we've become too accustomed to this practice, and maybe we shouldn't be able to sell a crappy-looking 6 year old used figure for 4x what we paid for it. Just a thought.
Maybe it's because I'm accustomed to taking a big hit on selling my used electronics/cars, but I'm personally happy if can get half of what I paid for something back. The fact that one can normally recoup or actually profit from an old, used figure is pretty extraordinary. I think maybe we've become too accustomed to this practice, and maybe we shouldn't be able to sell a crappy-looking 6 year old used figure for 4x what we paid for it. Just a thought.

I've wonder this myself. I started collecting 1/6th figures a little over a year ago, and like most I've gone crazy with it and now own over 20 hot toys. I've sold only 3 figures in that time frame for just about double what I paid for them. Obviously I'm ok with that but I don't necessarily think its fair. I spent a lot of money on used figures and of course I was initially upset that hot toys began going re-issue crazy, but now I'm beginning to realize that the state of this hobby when I walked into it wasn't necessarily the common status quo.
Cool man. It's funny my old man said the exact same thing when I mentioned the end of the world. No one can predict that happening only God Almighty :lecture
Still fun to think about though

If it has to happen I want an Asteroid! At least that way we get a cool spectacle before we go out.
Cool man. It's funny my old man said the exact same thing when I mentioned the end of the world. No one can predict that happening only God Almighty :lecture
Still fun to think about though

it is near, by the signs of the times, but God's timeline is different than ours, a thousand years to us, is but one day to God.the main thing is to be ready to go.and there's nothing to worry about ,nothing to fear.