Just got my Dutch and Billy from SSC today, Dutch looks great, I checked to make sure he had a left and right arm and that his elbows weren’t cracked. The muscle body looks great, but the articulation sucks, I can barely get Dutch to hold his M-16 with both hands, but Billy's hands pop off when I try it with him. “I’d love to have the Arnold head sculpt with out the camouflage paint on a regular Hot Toys body.” (That’s a hint Hot Toys/Sideshow.) I can also see what everyone is talking about the neck and the jacket. I’m going to leave my Dutch’s neck alone for now and the jacket I had to tuck in his pants real tight to get it to look like it wasn’t swallowing him. I had no problem with any of his accessories, even the cigar stayed in almost every time I put it in (I did have to go crawling on the floor after it once though.) Billy looks great as well and no problems with his body (except holding the gun) or his neck, but his accessories were a b**ch to get on

and I still couldn’t get his harness hocks to hock right. I almost wish Hot Toys had went with the same size zipper that they used on Dutch, that huge zipper want let the velcro hold the top of his vest together and the look does take a little away from it in my opinion. All in all I very happy to finally have them and will be even happier when the Predator 1 arrives. I'm just hoping that I’m working and working good before Hot Toys decides to turn out the rest of Dutch’s unit.