NEW HT PREDATOR, 'Dutch' full spec and hi-res pics

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The reason I'm concerned is I'm aware that clothes, even without foolish permanent marker alterations, can leave marks on a rubber body. Just looking at my now nude-torso Dutch there are a couple of light black smudges where the vest would have been on tight.
Originally Posted by screamingmetal
So did Elämän merimies modify his neck? Because if mine was in this pose it would be very evident:

I'd love to put my Dutch in ths pose but I'm scared of distressing the rubber.
How far would you guys say the arms can bend until its pushing it.
The only rubber armed figure I own is Drake from Aliens but hes not even out of his box.

Well, if you had looked at my previously posted pictures...


DUTCH_2.jpg would have noticed that the arms arent actually bent all that far.
I dont think this will do anything to the rubber, unless HT has decided to use a cheaper material than for exsample on Rambo III. Which I have in a far more extreme pose than Dutch...


Has been in this pose for at least 2 years now and there is no wearing and tearing wisible in the rubber. Hope this helps.

Try the pose. I dare you ;)
Can anyone tell me if I just did something a bit stupid? I took a black permanent marker to the ammo vest and darkened it to more closely match the way it appears in most of the film. Actually quite effective. But could the marker bleed through the damn thing and into the rubber muscle body?? I haven't put the ammo vest back on yet, I should at least leave it a couple of days. Recommendations on preventative measures besides ''don't be an idiot in future''?

I thought about doing this myself, but I didn't actually do it...
You would have been better off using some textile dyeing products or something.

To my knowledge permanent markers may even have a corrosive effect on somekinds of rubber.
So I would maybe even try to wash the ammo west before putting that back on the figure. This might soften any harmfull effects the permanent marker ink might have...
Thanks for that. What I'm doing is lining the inside with celotape. I don't think the marker would bleed through that and I can't see the celotape (the non-sticky side) having a negative impact on the rubber.
i dont know if its worth it , but SS finally converted me from the waitlist for the EX version. had to play the wait game. if it didnt convert was going to buy the reg. edition but happy it did

How long ago or when was it that you got on the WL, I'm on as well?
Thanks for that. What I'm doing is lining the inside with celotape. I don't think the marker would bleed through that and I can't see the celotape (the non-sticky side) having a negative impact on the rubber.

Kitchen cling-film might be better, no glue to cause any dammage + it's a lot thinner!
Well, I could not, for the life of me, get my Dutch to hold his rifle like that, but I did try with Billy and BAMO! Broken wrist! .....also Broken Canteen and Broken Knife sheath and I simply cannot get those damn straps on his back to stay connected to the belt.
I am very disappointed for $125. :(
Well, I could not, for the life of me, get my Dutch to hold his rifle like that, but I did try with Billy and BAMO! Broken wrist! .....also Broken Canteen and Broken Knife sheath and I simply cannot get those damn straps on his back to stay connected to the belt.
I am very disappointed for $125. :(

damn Billy got knocked the ***** out by Preds huh? :lol
The pose isnt difficult to acheive but I think it might put stress on those fragile wrist pegs. Mine broke after I had Dutch posed like this for a few hours then went to swap out the left hand... all fixed now tho.

damn Billy got knocked the ***** out by Preds huh? :lol

Well, at least now we know what happened to him. The Pred grabbed that knife and broke his wrist/hand off!

I am just shocked. These are my first Hot Toys products and I am not impressed at all with the quality. They look fantastic, but they are way to delicate to be this expensive. For action figures? Come on....there is no action going can't even pose them the way that they show on the box without fear of breaking them! Ridiculous!
I have never had this problem with a Sideshow figure!
Well, at least now we know what happened to him. The Pred grabbed that knife and broke his wrist/hand off!

I am just shocked. These are my first Hot Toys products and I am not impressed at all with the quality. They look fantastic, but they are way to delicate to be this expensive. For action figures? Come on....there is no action going can't even pose them the way that they show on the box without fear of breaking them! Ridiculous!
I have never had this problem with a Sideshow figure!

I know how you feel, this is something HT's MUST fix and fix soon! I think we have all had this problem, expecially when its your first HT's piece for some reason :D I had a similar case with my Batman and Rambo III. Just be very delicate.
Well, at least now we know what happened to him. The Pred grabbed that knife and broke his wrist/hand off!

I am just shocked. These are my first Hot Toys products and I am not impressed at all with the quality. They look fantastic, but they are way to delicate to be this expensive. For action figures? Come on....there is no action going can't even pose them the way that they show on the box without fear of breaking them! Ridiculous!
I have never had this problem with a Sideshow figure!

I do agree with you that is a lil scary and absurd that these can break this easily. Seems like I keep reading of another wrist breaking 1-6 post :lol that's unreal. I know I would be upset with a close to $200 figure...
Someone should sell a pack of extra wrist joints if this is so common.....or, as was said, maybe Hot Toys should just fix the problem... :eek:
How come the 'HT HellBoy musclebody' seems much more realistic looking than the one on Dutch? Is it the texture it has? or is it all just in my head...
Kitchen cling-film might be better, no glue to cause any dammage + it's a lot thinner!

I just realised it won't be any use to me right now regardless. For the pose I want on my Film Poster Dutch his arms would be coming across and touching the exterior of the ammo vest - thus maybe the marker would bleed onto the upper arms. Oh well. Guess I'll be waiting for Dutch number 3 after all which will be my "every scene in between" Dutch where he wears the camo vest and ammo vest. I'm not planning a dramatic gun firing pose with that one so there shouldn't be any part of the rubber body or arms touching my darkened ammo vest. Film poster Dutch will have to wait so he can steal an unaltered vest.