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Some thoughts about the gap in the mask.... I'm thinking that the mask wasn't pushed into the head far enough for the photo shoot. As you can see from the SDCC pics from Zod, the mask sits flush with the head here. Why would they change that for the final piece? I'd like Igo to comment on the StatueForum thread as I think he could confirm my suspicions here.


Personally, #'s 5 & 6 are non-issues. The spine trophy is in his hand (for the EX anyways), and the pose is straight out of the movie (except it's an anorexic version of the stance).

Someone mentioned the dreds may be a bit short, but THAT didn't jump out at me so I don't know on that one. There was also concerns about the possibility of it leaning over time.

So . . . it seems #1 through #4 are the big concerns. I think the order is spot-on.


Yeah. I'll be honest, none of these points are of major concern to me except I would agree that the thigh armour is off from where it should be ideally and think it is stupid that Sideshow wouldn't just fix this. As well the gap under the helmet is a bit much. But it's like everything is there and looks good but is as though he's just landed after a big jump and a couple things got jolted slightly out of place. The other critiques are like apples to oranges. Comparing something like a jaw, something that moves up and down and flexes and saying it's not right because of a specific scene in the movie is outrageous to me... but that's just me.
Great point on the jaw and mouth muscles V8Falcon. I can make my jaw and mouth look different at times as well. In my opinion, it's good to have an imagination within this hobby. Sometimes you need to be able to visualize something a character would do that was never on screen. Also, see above for my post on the biomask gap.
Yeah. I'll be honest, none of these points are of major concern to me except I would agree that the thigh armour is off from where it should be ideally and think it is stupid that Sideshow wouldn't just fix this. As well the gap under the helmet is a bit much. But it's like everything is there and looks good but is as though he's just landed after a big jump and a couple things got jolted slightly out of place. The other critiques are like apples to oranges. Comparing something like a jaw, something that moves up and down and flexes and saying it's not right because of a specific scene in the movie is outrageous to me... but that's just me.

It's not being compared to a specific scene from the movie, it's being compared to the character in the entire movie . . . and as regards the 4 biggest concerns, it falls well short (no pun intended).

In the movie AND stills AND behind the scenes extras, the armour never shifts position, his bio head never looks that large or has that gap, his body never looks that skinny, his unmasked head never looks that stretched. True also when you look at the SWS maquette, along with the lifesize in the SWS studios, and the Sideshow 1:1 bust (cast from the original).

Comparison pics show it clearly for those who are not as familiar with the character. For those who know the film & beastie well, you don't need the comparison pics - it just looks "off".

However - if you're happy with it - you're happy with it. That (sincerely) is a GOOD thing. That's really all that should matter to you because it's YOU that's paying for it.

I wish these things had been fixed before going to production, but I'm not going to criticise folks here because they want to buy it.

I wish SS would start the flex pays as soon as you order.. this would be what?.. $50 a month.

You can pay your flex payment anytime you want. Before the original date start.

I have already started paying on my hulk vs wolverine and payments don't start to Jan

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have they announced light up features, namely the gauntlet and biomask?
Speaking of biomask, look at that gap from the bio to his crown. :yuck

No light-up features.

Yeah - the "gap" is one of the "4 biggies" :) The P2 had the same issue (sculpted by the same team) - I only ever saw 1 P2 that had it correct on delivery - so I'd put money on how THIS one will be delivered too.

firefly76; said:
You can pay your flex payment anytime you want. Before the original date start.

I have already started paying on my hulk vs wolverine and payments don't start to Jan

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How do you do that?... you'd have to call them in right.
No light-up features.

Yeah - the "gap" is one of the "4 biggies" :) The P2 had the same issue (sculpted by the same team) - I only ever saw 1 P2 that had it correct on delivery - so I'd put money on how THIS one will be delivered too.


You keep saying "4 biggies", but if you read my post it would seem it's most likely down to 3.
You keep saying "4 biggies", but if you read my post it would seem it's most likely down to 3.

As you said on the other forum (quite correctly), "that biomask was just not pushed in all the way in the professional photos".

It IS down to the way the "key" between the head and mask is (1) sculpted, and (2) positioned when gluing.

But that's why the highlighted bit of my post is relevant . . .

. . . Yeah - the "gap" is one of the "4 biggies" :) The P2 had the same issue (sculpted by the same team) - I only ever saw 1 P2 that had it correct on delivery - so I'd put money on how THIS one will be delivered too.

We should keep a list. I'm very curious how many are actually getting it compared to how many will repeat why they won't over and over:lol

I am not ordering him yet since I got other statues to get before the P1, but I bought dutch has preparation for the jungle hunter. The Ex not quiet something I have to get, so I be quiet happy to wait for the regular edition. He will be ordered in 2018 when he is ready to be shipped, since I don't want to be getting overwhelmed with orders. The bio helmet is spot on to the film helmet, so cannot really complain with this piece

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