I have asked this question on numerous occasions...and never really get a response.
We have people that complain vehemently about Sideshow's pricing and quality control. There are countless posts about how Sideshow is "not the company the use to be" or people implying that the quality control issues are systemic based on a few examples found in the forums. How many posts have we read from people that are supposedly "done with Sideshow"?
For the record I am not stating that Sideshow has not aggressively increased prices or that there have not been instances of sloppy QC.
My question has always been...if the issues are SO bad...if the prices increases are so intolerable...if the QC issues are so rampant...how does anyone justify giving any of their business to Sideshow???? Some folks try to rationalize it by saying ..."well I am buying less Sideshow product". But...you are still buying from Sideshow. Why would anyone expect Sideshow to change their business practices if we keep giving them financial incentives??
At the end of the day...the only conclusion I can come to is that we are blowing the QC problems out of proportion and/or we are accepting of the price increases. The pricing increases and the supposed rampant quality control problems cannot be that bad if we are all continuing to frequent Sideshow threads and continue buying Sideshow products.

This is a can of worms if there ever was one.

I don't think frequenting threads means you automatically support a company, it's products, it's business methods and/or philosophy. My guess is that people frequent threads b/c they're interested in the subject matter first and foremost, in this case Spider Man. Speaking for myself, if I see a Spider Man statue thread I'm diving in b/c I love the character regardless of the manufacturer.
My sentiments on the meat of your question is much in line with Josh's when he posted this above:
"ratio of enjoyment for my money is no longer there and it's probably coming more quickly now, but no, I don't think me just stopping is going to hurt them as much as you think and I know me stopping will just make me miss something I enjoy. So for now I'll figure out ways around it."
My way around it has been a more firm approach and one you alluded to traylor - to stop buying Sideshow statues. This will continue to be my approach until I feel the ratio of enjoyment for money spent on SSC product > everything else, and admittedly it's been a long wait. Instead of quitting the hobby entirely, I ended up moving heavily into 1:6 scale collecting to get my fix, and it's only been this year I've been enticed back into the 1:4 scale market with companies like PCS, XM, Prime 1 & CC doing it right.
I truly want Sideshow (and every other company) to produce high quality end products so that the collecting community can all benefit from the variety with none of the headaches. I'd be happier than a pig in a mud than to never have to think about QC again prior to a purchase, and hopefully new competitors in the market can push Sideshow in the right direction on the QC front. I think it's safe to say we all want to see this Spidey and the rest of SSC's products turn out spectacular regardless of how many thousand they churn out at the factory.