I am totally nervous too, and I hope that the line stays healthy for a long time, given the glacial pace with which it is moving.
I think that the numbers for collectibles like this are a little hazy, as we don't seem to have the clearest indicator of a break even point for Sideshow. Some lines seem healthy, yet only sell 1500 units or so for each character (Angel, I am looking at you!), and it is so hard to compare what is going on with Star Wars, as their exclusive size matches some other lines best sellers! It might be best to compare things to higher end collectibles, like statues and stuff, instead of other toy lines. I wonder if something like Gentle Giant's Star Wars statue line might be a better measuring stick.
I need to check the SS site, but when you combine the exclusive size and the regular size, things may not be so bleak. The exclusives through SS are getting to be more and more necessary for characters these days, and given the price, I can't see a lot of people ordering both regular and exclusive.