NEXT Star Wars 1/6th Figure...

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I haven't seen them in person, but how well do their older aliens like Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Jabba, and Bib Fortuna hold up to tdoay's releases? I don't have any of them yet and don't know if I should start hunting them down now.

They're awesome. Greedo and Hammerhead are fantastic as well, two of my favorites. Wish we got a Saesee Tinn, i'm surprised we haven't actually?
Alright, you guys almost have me convinced! Any chance someone can show some pictures of them next to their more recent releases? Only thing I'm worried now is if their paint applications holds up well and don't look out of place. I say that because I only have one early Sideshow release, Van Helsing, and its paint job is pretty poor IMO
Dammit, TDA, are you still on the fence about Jabba?! :p Definitely agree with the gang on Hammerhead and Greedo. They still look great and hold-up very well against anything I've seen that came out later. They're pretty much dead on, screen accurateness wise.

After seeing pics of Jabba repainted, I probably would keep him awhile, then send him off at some point to be customized. As for Bib, I still think he's kinda underwhelming by today's standards, but he's dirt cheap and is alright as part of the scenery. In a display like you'd have with Jabba and all his cronies, I think you can get away with one or two sub-par characters as they'll kind of blend in with the higher quality stuff.

I kinda disagree that so many of Sideshow's old characters are "one and done", though. It's not like Hot Toys has got 100 characters to choose from (and they won't be re-doing anything post IG-88/Boba Fett). If they do two a year, at some point it seems inevitable that they have to go with some of the bigger B-list guys like Jabba or the Emperor. It's just a matter of time, IMO. Whatever people on here say, if Hot Toys did those characters, they'd sell. I'm sure there's a pretty substantial group of people, too, that either missed out on all those characters or weren't happy with the originals and who would pick-up an HT re-do.

Edit: I decided to go on a mission and take a look at exactly what Sideshow has released for the Star Wars line to get an idea of what might have some chance of being realistically re-done by HT. I've excluded any recent characters, stormtroopers, clones and accessory packs/environments. I've put an asterisk beside any I think are most likely to be re-done (mostly obvious choices but some arbitrary -- e.g., Jabba, maybe Qui-Gon or Mace -- and people will have different ideas of what they think will be on HT's list).

Aayla Secura
Admiral Piett
Anakin Skywalker (Ep III) - Confirmed
Asajj Ventress
Bib Fortuna
Captain Antilles
Comander Praji
Darth Maul*
Darth Vader (Sith Apprentice – ROTS)*
Darth Vader (ANH)*
Emperor Palpatine*
Endor Rebel Commando Sergeant
Endor Rebel Infantry
Endor Striker Force Bundle
Gamorrean Guard
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Han Solo/Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper disguise – ANH)
Han Solo (ANH)* – Confirmed but don't know versions
Han Solo (Bespin – ESB)*
Han Solo (Carbonite)*
Jabba the Hut*
Kit Fisto
Lando Calrissian*
Leia (ANH)*
Leia (Boushh – ROTJ)*
Luke Skywalker (ANH)*
Luke Skywalker (Rebel Hero: Yavin IV outfit – ANH)
Luke Skywalker (Jedi - ROTJ)*
Luke Skywalker (Rebel Commander – ROTJ)
Mace Windu*
Momaw Nadon – Hammerhead
Nik Sant – Endor Rebel Commander
Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS)*
Obi-Wan Kenobi (ANH)*
Obi-Wan Kenobi (General – Clone Wars)
Padme Amidala – Ilum Mission (EU)
Palpatine/Sidious Set
Plo Koon
Qui-Gon Jin*
Rebel Fleet Trooper
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I kinda disagree that so many of Sideshow's old characters are "one and done", though. It's not like Hot Toys has got 100 characters to choose from (and they won't be re-doing anything post IG-88/Boba Fett). If they do two a year, at some point it seems inevitable that they have to go with some of the bigger B-list guys like Jabba or the Emperor. It's just a matter of time, IMO. Whatever people on here say, if Hot Toys did those characters, they'd sell. I'm sure there's a pretty substantial group of people, too, that either missed out on all those characters or weren't happy with the originals and who would pick-up an HT re-do.

:nana: They still have yet to prove that they can even do 1 a year.:lol
With that being said, I would still luv to see HT make an Aayle Secura.
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I doubt it.
T-thanks, devil. That was really insightful... *coughs*

Seriously, though, once they've done Bespin Luke, Anakin and Solo, I would guess Maul, ANH Obi-Wan, Leia or ANH Vader would be the next obvious ones (would like to know your reasoning for thinking HT would be uninterested in releasing ANH Vader, btw... it's inconceivable they wouldn't want to put their stamp on one of the most iconic movie villians of all time).

Really it just depends on if they do end-up doing two a year (speaking to astro's point). If it's just one, then it'll string itself out for a long time, I suppose. Still, nothing stopping Sideshow themselves from doing version 2.0s on any of those characters, either. I'm rooting for that as most of the older figures are not up to current standards even though the characters are popular with collectors.
I can't see hot toys making loads. A handful fits their profile. As long as we get luke Jedi, anakin rots, and maybe a nice leia and padme Im good.
Ht will make them, and keep making them as long as they can.itll take decades to get tons made, but they will. Sw is a liscense to print money.
I do think Jedi Luke is a very likely release... not only could the Sideshow one be improved on but there are additional accessories not offered with the Sideshow version that could be added (Poncho, etc.)
It doesn't matter what Hot Toys is interested in releasing. They have no control over the license.
Right, but their agreement with SSC is to release SSC's older stuff and ANH Vader's a prime candidate to be re-done. As long as it doesn't compete with Sideshow's ESB/ROTJ version, can't see why they would care one way or the other if HT re-does the figure. Any reason you think SSC would object to it (I'm guessing you won't be able to elaborate, as usual)?