Super Freak
X-Wing and Luke Pilot

Don't bother selling any off, you'll be lucky to get 1/4 of what you paid![]()
So it looks like we will be seeing some re-releases (in a sense) of older figures, from what Tom Gilliand said in an interview.
"TOM GILLILAND: Star Wars is a life-blood property for us... Our ongoing Premium Format line will be punctuated by new versions of the classic Episode IV characters as well as some interesting departures into the expanded universe. And the continued development of our Sixth Scale articulated figures are about to get an additional boost with some very ambitious projects. Look for Sideshow to update some older offerings with all new interpretations while also releasing some really special – and BIG – characters and vehicles."
Hopefully this means a release of some kind of XD line with vastly improved human sculpts, tailoring, swap-out heads, and maybe even better bodies.
OT -- new and improved Farmboy Luke, smuggler Han and princess Leia, followed by X-Wing Pilot Luke, Hoth Han, Slave Leia, Skiff Lando, Jedi Luke. Emperor, TIE Pilot, Royal Guard, Emperor, Tarkin, Akbar
On the PT side--Qui Gon is a must, Mace Windu, ep II, III Anakin, Queen/Arena/Senator Amidala, Dooku, Yoda, Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti. Palpatine, Senate Guard
EU -- Talon is a given, would also like to see Mara Jade, Galen Marek, Quinlon Vos, Xizor, Satele Shan, Royal Guard trainee, Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus.
Big Characters -- Chewbacca is a given, but could also see a Tauntaun, Wampa and possibly even a Rancor.
Wedge, Biggs and Luke in X-wing gear would rule. Maybe they'll lay off clones and do Rebel pilots for a bit.
Where's DOOKU?
Where's TARKIN?
Where's ESB VADER?
THAT would be awesome! But something tells me that Sideshow is gonna keep dipping clone troopers and battle droids for a long time.![]()