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Guess you can go back and thank that over-hyped roid abuser from USC (Cushing) for handing over that first score, with his offsides and pass interference in the endzone. Loved it when he jumped on that pile up after Flacco got sacked and he jumps up and celebrates like he was the one who did it. Kid's a damn fraud.
Damn TO just doesn't stop. Talk about throwing your ENTIRE organization under the bus. :lol

"I think there's underachieving from the top down," Owens said. "You start with the owner, you start with the coaches. And obviously we as players, we are a product of what the coaches are coaching us throughout the course of the week.

"Of course, we have to go out there and play the game. But in order for us to do what we're allowed to do at the best of our abilities, the coaches have to put the players in the best position."
With the numbers he put up this year for a horrid team, there will be several teams offering him a job next year. The locals want Cincy to re-sign TO and get rid of Chad.

It's simply not worth trouble signing him though. He is a cancer to any organization. That's why he's been going to ____ teams. No team worth anything will sign him thats for sure.
TO is still worth signing. His work ethic is amazing and that is what frustrates him. I bet he feels like he is not being used to his full potential.

I am extremely surprised that Cincy has been so bad this year. Carson Palmer is a very good QB, Chad and TO are the same breed but still very good WR's.

I will blame Cincy's downfall on the coaching staff as they are not making necessary changes in their playbook and seem to be very predictable now.

TO Should stay in Cincy - the coaching staff is what should be shaken up. All TO did was say what no one else would and he will get burned for it as he has in the past.
Palmer seemed incredibly uneven in the games I saw him playing. Not just this year, but over the last few years. But I agree--no matter how good a QB you are, if the play-calling gets predictable, then you're toast. Just ask Peyton Manning. That's what bothers me about the Saints refusal to run the ball, as I have stated ad nauseum.
Rusty, I bet if Palmer had a better play selection, he would not seem so bad right now. He looks like he lost all motivation to play in Cincy cause of the terrible plays they have. Give Palmer a better offensive playbook and I bet he will shine.

But I do agree that letting fitzpatrick go was stupid. That goes to prove that the coaching staff is clueless and a joke.

The team has too much talent for them to be playing this bad.
Rusty, I bet if Palmer had a better play selection, he would not seem so bad right now. He looks like he lost all motivation to play in Cincy cause of the terrible plays they have. Give Palmer a better offensive playbook and I bet he will shine.

But I do agree that letting fitzpatrick go was stupid. That goes to prove that the coaching staff is clueless and a joke.

The team has too much talent for them to be playing this bad.

The play selection has nothing to do with him underthrowing or overthrowing receivers by 10 yards.:pfft:
It does when the receivers aren't running the routes right and the o line is not allowing palmer enough time to set up the pass.

Face it Cincy stinks cause the coaching stinks and the players have given up trying to make an effort.

Just be happy that you're a Raiders fan and no matter how they play the rest of the year, it's still a successful season. :nana:
Palmer blows! Receivers aren't running the wrong routes, it's just that palmer is that bad. They were able to hide it with a good running game and D last season, but now that they fell apart and the game is on his shoulders, it clearly shows that he sucks! he's a back-up at best, just like his little brother. They should have kept Fitzpatrick and gave Palmer the boot.