NFL Thread

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Can't remember the third WR (Mike something) and I won't cheat and Google, but he followed Reeves to the New York Giants after Reeves was fired by Denver.
Can't remember the third WR (Mike something) and I won't cheat and Google, but he followed Reeves to the New York Giants after Reeves was fired by Denver.

LOL...that is funny. It makes it seem that you are one of those guys that is psychotic about football stats and thinks that committing them to memeory is the measure of a man.

You're not one of those, are you?
Yes, I am. Any kind of trivia...sports, music, movies, etc.

I wanna say Mark Jackson. In fact, I'm 90% sure. I was wrong about it being Mike someything...

EDIT: Except for the second part; I don't think it's the measure of a man. I just like knowing things / being a font of knowledge.
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Yes, I am. Any kind of trivia...sports, music, movies, etc.

I wanna say Mark Jackson. In fact, I'm 90% sure. I was wrong about it being Mike someything...

EDIT: Except for the second part; I don't think it's the measure of a man. I just like knowing things / being a font of knowledge.

I smell a google.
Hey Badmoon...


<object width="470" height="90"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <param name="flashvars" value="dataPath=/clips/xgvzyrjrzj.json"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="dataPath=/clips/xgvzyrjrzj.json" width="470" height="90"></embed></object><strong style="font-size: 10px; color: #aaa; display: block;"> Listen to <a href="">"Hey, wha' happened?"</a> from <a href="">Fred Willard</a></strong>
Haven't seen this hit, but the Colts don't have much to work with as it stands. Be a shame if they kept a guy in for that reason against the needs of his health, but I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time that happened in the NFL.

Lance Moore just made one of the greatest touchdown catches of the year, IMO.
It might be time to just IR the guy. This was the second time they've tried to bring him back from the original concussion.

I am willing to bet that this one was not a concussion injury. His head got pulled so far that I bet it was a neck injury.
Pathetic... simply pathetic. Nice crap game Tampa. I know you have a lot of injuries on D but that was PATHETIC.
Saints just essentially lost. Another week where Payton refused to run the ball at all and expects Drew Brees to win the game singlehandedly. That's not gonna get it done in the playoffs, IMO. If the Saints even get in.
I'm looking forward to the Jets/Steelers game on right now. Football in the snow is what it is all about.
I am willing to bet that this one was not a concussion injury. His head got pulled so far that I bet it was a neck injury.

They called it a concussion. I am just glad they didnt throw a flag on that one since it was just one of those things that happen in football.