Love all the Crosby bandwagoners
That is one of the most remarkably silly comments you have made.
1. When it comes to sports, people have always gravitated towards the winner. It's the nature of the fan.
2. Crosby is a fantastic player. Give me a list of players to win an Art Ross and Hart at age 19. The kid deserves the attention and fandom. So far he has lived up to his hype more than any prospect has since Mario Lemieux did back in 1984.
3. You could say the same thing about Alexander Ovechkin. "Love all the Ovechkin band wagoners." lol I hate to say it, but where were all these Cap fans during the pre-Ovechkin days? I didn't see many Caps jerseys before the last NHL lockout. Yet I see a ton now. So it goes both ways. Guess people love the fact that Ovechkin is one of the greatest goal scorers to ever lace up skates. It's strange that people would gravitate towards such great players and support their games. I mean, where is the love for the Rory Fitzpatrick's and Mark Eaton's of the league? Where is their fandom? Why don't I see any kids wearing their jerseys?
4. Count me as a Sidney Crosby fan. Not so much because of the kid's style, but due to the fact he plays for my favorite NHL team.
If you must know I was a band wagoner alright. I followed the Pens throughout the 1991 playoffs and watched them beat the Northstars. I was in love with Mario Lemieux's game. Thus why I have a Mario Lemieux and Ron Francis jersey that both date back as far as 1991. Sure, I like Crosby... but nobody has anything on No. 66 and No. 10 IMO. One exuded talents of a hockey God while the other was one of the classiest and quietest superstars to ever play the game.
I guess one can say I am not really a band wagoner because my Pens hadn't won a Cup yet. Well, that and I don't know many fans who supported the Pens throughout the 5 year span they were mediocre (2001-2006).... definitely was the only Pens jersey on most nights at the local Moose games. So many jeers towards the jersey. Why support such a God-awful team? The same kind of attention Islander fans receive now. Now everyone sports a Pens jersey.
My Pens collection is huge. It consists of hundreds of articles. Yet I only own one thing of Crosby's. His jersey. So I guess I am every bit as a Crosby band wagoner as you are on the Alexander Ovechkin band wagon Kit Fisto.