No More Happy Meal Toys?

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Here is my thought. I'll eat what I like and everyone else can eat what they like and who cares either way, but don't take away my options just because YOU don't like them.
I just want to add something - a friend of mine has a daughter in 4th grade. She is 9 years old. 3 of her female classmates have started their periods. At 9 years old!!

This is due to crap injected into the food we eat - to either make animals plumper or grow faster, etc..... We may not see all the negative effects now...but I am sure we will down the line in our children or their children.
I just want to add something - a friend of mine has a daughter in 4th grade. She is 9 years old. 3 of her female classmates have started their periods. At 9 years old!!

This is due to crap injected into the food we eat - to either make animals plumper or grow faster, etc..... We may not see all the negative effects now...but I am sure we will down the line in our children or their children.

YES. people always say eat healthy. the truth is nothing in the super store is really all that great for you. even all the vegetables have some kind of pesticides and chemicals in them. if you truly want to eat healthy you better have your own garden.
YES. people always say eat healthy. the truth is nothing in the super store is really all that great for you. even all the vegetables have some kind of pesticides and chemicals in them. if you truly want to eat healthy you better have your own garden.

:lecture :lecture

We have a lot of farmer's markets here in Seattle. It's actually a great way to get real organic fruits/veggies, meat/poultry. It's not cheap though.
:lecture :lecture

We have a lot of farmer's markets here in Seattle. It's actually a great way to get real organic fruits/veggies, meat/poultry. It's not cheap though.

I do love all the markets you have in Seattle, from Pike's Place all the way to the little ones on the sides of the roads or in parking lots. They have great atmosphere and nice veggies and fruits. :)
YES. people always say eat healthy. the truth is nothing in the super store is really all that great for you. even all the vegetables have some kind of pesticides and chemicals in them. if you truly want to eat healthy you better have your own garden.

Doesn't have to be from your own garden, although that is nice. As Jen said farmers markets are a great way to go. And there are lots of organic/natural food stores (like the one I work at). Problem is they tend to be a bit expensive.
I just want to add something - a friend of mine has a daughter in 4th grade. She is 9 years old. 3 of her female classmates have started their periods. At 9 years old!!
Im not expert on the subject, but isnt that not that unreasonable of an age to start anyway? I rmemember back in 4th grade that was the year that they took all the girls out of class to teach them about the subject when all us guys got to go play dodgeball in the gym.
I just want to add something - a friend of mine has a daughter in 4th grade. She is 9 years old. 3 of her female classmates have started their periods. At 9 years old!!

This is due to crap injected into the food we eat - to either make animals plumper or grow faster, etc..... We may not see all the negative effects now...but I am sure we will down the line in our children or their children.

I started at 10. I had read it's because women are living longer. Women are also having their periods till later in life.

Something to look forward to. :(
I do love all the markets you have in Seattle, from Pike's Place all the way to the little ones on the sides of the roads or in parking lots. They have great atmosphere and nice veggies and fruits. :)

They are nice - and we do have a lot. There are 3 in my neighborhood alone! I love this time of year when they have so much available. There is one guy that smokes his own salmon - and makes salmon jerky. It is so yummy.
I started at 10. I had read it's because women are living longer. Women are also having their periods till later in life.

Something to look forward to. :(

Hmmm...I read that it's partly due to hormones in food and a lot of people eating soy products. :dunno

Anyway, I'd rather have periods for a longer period of time than deal with menopause! That sounds like pure hell. :lol
They are nice - and we do have a lot. There are 3 in my neighborhood alone! I love this time of year when they have so much available. There is one guy that smokes his own salmon - and makes salmon jerky. It is so yummy.

ooooooo Salmon jerky!

I love markets too. We used to have a lot of them until the town started losing jobs and going downhill. You can find an occasional strawberry stand, but that's about it. You have to go out into the country more to find some small farmer's market with fresh veggies and fruit.
Im not expert on the subject, but isnt that not that unreasonable of an age to start anyway? I rmemember back in 4th grade that was the year that they took all the girls out of class to teach them about the subject when all us guys got to go play dodgeball in the gym.

What's your angle ShadowX81?
They are nice - and we do have a lot. There are 3 in my neighborhood alone! I love this time of year when they have so much available. There is one guy that smokes his own salmon - and makes salmon jerky. It is so yummy.

I was in Seattle in Fall of 2007 and last July. I love it there, but I just wish it was more sunny. Coming from the Sunshine State, it's a big difference. Although the summers seem to be nice.
Hmmm...I read that it's partly due to hormones in food and a lot of people eating soy products. :dunno

Anyway, I'd rather have periods for a longer period of time than deal with menopause! That sounds like pure hell. :lol

In some people, perimenoause starts at 35! My SIL is having all kinds of problems due to hormonal changes. She's been to the ER twice because she thought she was having a stroke or heart attack. All hormonal. And they say we women have it easy. :(

I never thought about soy. That mimmicks estrogen. And so many people are giving their kids soymilk. That's something to think about!
Im not expert on the subject, but isnt that not that unreasonable of an age to start anyway? I rmemember back in 4th grade that was the year that they took all the girls out of class to teach them about the subject when all us guys got to go play dodgeball in the gym.

When I was growing up it seemed to hit me and my friends between the ages of 13-15. It just seems to be hitting girls earlier and earlier, from what I've observed around here. I am also no expert on the subject either - these are just my observations and some info on the little bit I've read on the subject.

I was in Seattle in Fall of 2007 and last July. I love it there, but I just wish it was more sunny. Coming from the Sunshine State, it's a big difference. Although the summers seem to be nice.

It takes awhile to get used to the clouds and rain - but I love it. Now I can't handle more than a few sunny days in a row - We get in the 80's and 90's and I'm praying for rain. :lol
I know I feel a lot better with a belly full of 5 guys than I do with a belly full of Burger King. :sick

Really? No one's going to make an immature joke about this?!? :lol

I just want to add something - a friend of mine has a daughter in 4th grade. She is 9 years old. 3 of her female classmates have started their periods. At 9 years old!!

Now that is just ____ed up... I could understand one outlier, but 3 is ridiculous. Definitely something off about that.