The battle raging in America between the Christian right and scientists as to the origins of man. Some Christians take the Bible story of Genesis literally. They believe God made Adam and Eve six thousand years ago, and that all the animals and plants of the world began at that time. This theory is called creationism. So when presented with evidence that fossils have been laid down in sediment that is known to be millions of years old, the creationists say that it’s a trick to test their faith.
The scientists believe in the theory of evolution and Darwin’s survival of the fittest. So tall giraffes eat more leaves than shorter ones, so they survived to give birth to progeny that over time got taller and taller and that is why a giraffe is as tall as it is today. The evolutionists also believe that four billion years ago particles on earth clanged together randomly to form proteins and DNA molecules, and that from that 'particle-clang' process, single-cell life forms grew in a primordial soup of early earth to become humans.
Some believe that Darwin said that humans evolved from the apes. But that was misinformation put out by those that were antagonistic to Darwin’s theories that hoped to ridicule him into submission. In fact, Darwin never said that modern man ascended from the apes. He said there is a gap in the fossil record and that he did not know how modern man evolved.
The chance of particles bumping together to form the right amino acid chain to establish one life-sustaining protein are 10130 or 10 with one hundred and thirty zeros. Paul Davies who wrote The 5th Miracle says that life requires hundreds of thousands of proteins and the chances of them all coming together at random are 1040,000.
Then the odds that millions of protein molecules happen into existence by chance just as millions of DNA atoms also happened to become viable at the same instance, and that they bound together to form millions of species of animals, plants and insects here on earth, would be 10 to the power of all the zeros you could put down on a piece of paper between here and a distant galaxy.
The problem with the theory of evolution and the particle-clang theory is that it is mathematically fraught, and in terms of evolutionary scales the total of earth’s existence, four billion years, is not a very long time. Many believe there has not been enough time for the random clanging of particles to create life, never mind enough to form the human eye, or a finger nail, or fifty million animal, insect and plant species that exist or have existed on earth.
There is a third theory, called 'intelligent design'. It is akin to creationism in that it says that a superior intelligence created life on earth, but the followers of intelligent design don’t agree with the Christians’ six thousand-year time frame; they side with the evolutionists in believing life on earth is hundreds of millions of years old. (The oldest documented fossils of living animals are 540 million years old).
Some say it was God that designed life on earth and others say they don’t know who designed intelligent life except that it must have been a civilization that is older and superior to ours. Some believe that aliens placed us here as an experiment, and while no one can disprove the idea there isn’t any evidence for it either. The problem with the theory of aliens from another star system is they would also be living on an earth-like plant that sustains life that is in this universe, and that planet may not be any older than ours. So there is every chance that aliens from another system would not be any further forward than we are.
What is unexplainable is that modern man, ^^^^ sapiens, suddenly appeared in the fossil record thirty thousand years ago. There is no fossil record of us having evolved from any other beings or animals, and there is no record of us having been here on earth before thirty thousand years ago. Modern man is not linked to the Neanderthals in any way whatsoever. So the fossil mystery gives rise to a speculation I call the "plopped-on-earth" theory. The question is what form of intelligence (if any) dropped us off here thirty thousand years ago.
The Fourth Alternative
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The answer may be found in a fourth alternative, a transdimensional theory that says we weren’t exactly dropped off; but that we walked in from another dimension. We know from watching the Morph that this world is not solid and having seen transdimensional beings (Tall Boys) walk into this 3-D earth-plane from other dimensions, and having seen a human dematerialize out of here, I realized that the walk-in theory might be possible.
The problem with all the other theories of origins of man is that they look at the earth and humans as solid. Once you realize that the universe’s solidity is an illusion then it is perfectly feasible that a human could walk out of a multi-dimensional, non-solid, hyperspace into the 3-D earth plane.
Then particle-clang looks silly as the origins of our humanity and all of life on earth could well have begun in an eternal, twenty-six dimensional hyperspace that might have existed for trillions upon trillions of eons before this universe came into being, just 13.8 billions years ago. Humans could be very old, much older than the universe. It is also very possible that our Universe is just one of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of universes, that various human species have evolved in over timeframes that are so astronomical in length they boggle the mind.
The Origins of Man in the Mirror World-Aluna
The mystical Kogi people of northern Columbia called the Mirror World, the aluna. In the aluna there is a record of the origins of man on earth. In there, it is shown that man walked in naked from another dimension but he was initially unable to cope. It was as if his brain was not as yet activated to deal with a world of three dimensions and gravity, so he initially lay down on the ground and fell asleep.
While he slept a being came to him from another world and it placed six psilocybin mushrooms on his chest, three down one side and three down the other. When the man woke he found the mushrooms and being hungry, he ate them. A while later the mushroom’s affect took hold of him, and his brain that had been previously dormant, clicked into action and the man rose and stumbled off to find others who had also walked into this three dimensional plane on exactly the same day. I would presume women got here in the same way at the same time as the men.
What is fascinating is that the anthropologist and ethnobotanist Terrance McKenna, who wrote Gift of the Gods, knew about the mushroom activation of human consciousness theory but he did not discuss the walk-in theory. He believed humans evolved from a primitive state akin to automatons, and that they then took the mushroom they developed the self-aware conscious that we know today.
I have no idea how we will ever prove the walk-in theory because by its very nature it left no trace of what happened, but as creationism and evolutionism are open to question, it might be an idea to consider the possibility of walk-ins. A sophisticated form of the intelligent design theory might be right in the end as it doesn’t preclude walk-ins, and when dealing with other dimensions in hyper-space, one isn’t constrained by the tightness of a few billion years that particle-clang theory asks us to believe in.
I reckon we walked in here just as the animals and the insects did, and that life is trillions-upon-trillions of eons older than our rather new universe.