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It is a scary thought to think that once you die it's the end. The thing that always gets me about a religion like Christianity is that they say animals have no souls or spirits and will not get a chance to go to heaven or hell. Why is this so? If you look at a pet they have the same exact emotions as you. They are just as alive as a person. Why are they rejected and treated like trash by the Christian religion?

That is one of the deciding factors to me that Christianity is false and just a bunch of made up rules in a book written by some old chump.

Why would God play games? To amuse himself? That sounds terrible. Why would God teach us lessons that cause us harm and humiliation? Some Christians will say because that is exactly what we needed to learn but I say why would a God as they describe be so spiteful and vengeful when he is supposed to be perfect and loving.

God made cancer. God made war. Yet we should worship him.

I think God called in Sick those days.
Mormons believe animals have souls... but then again we aren't considered Christian. So waddayado? :dunno

Really? I didn't know that... see, religion threads can have a purpose :lol

I ere on the side of its the person and their choices that makes them "good" or "bad" not the religion. Althoguh I think religion and spirituality can greatly inform and enhance the nature of a person in either direction.
Damn Rory, you hate kids and God?!?!?!?!


You are definitely going to Hell :devil

See you there :wave
At least the company will be great and the weather.... well hot. :lol

I feel bad for lumping all Christians together. I really speak of what I have been told by the ones that have tried to convert me.

On a somewhat different note though, my grandparents are always throwing a bible at me. You should of heard them when I told them I wasn't planning on having children nor was I planning to get married. :lol They are great people though. Religion can teach some to be better and that is the good side of it all.
It was a mistake... he was thinking further ahead than his words... I've done that. Gotta love how fast they dive on something stupid like that. Won't matter in the long run...

If it does, guess I will move to Canada. :lol

I jump ahead a few words while talking all the time. Also, it is easier with something that can be annoying. Having had to defend myself against silly accusations before, I know how easy it is to slip up and give the other person credence to their argument. But it still wasn't true.

This Obama Muslim/Christian thing is just a republican scare tactic. It doesn't matter. What astounds me is how much people listen to this and Sarah Palin's pregnant 17 year old instead of the issues.

Our economy sucks! Oil is insanely priced!

These are the things we need to discuss. We have to fix these. I don't care about gay marriage/abortion or any of the other republican standards. Those will not put food on my table.

Love him or hate him; Obama at least talks about the issues.
On a somewhat different note though, my grandparents are always throwing a bible at me.

Pick it up and throw it back at those old bastards!

Though you are a Godless heathen who will likely burn in Hell, that is no reason to throw stuff at you :nono
It is a scary thought to think that once you die it's the end.

Not for me. I'm more afraid of how I'm going to die. As long as I don't die from some disease or accident or wild pack of dogs, I don't care. Once I'm gone, I'm gone. And I don't care what happens to my body after I'm dead. My wife could put me out by the curb with the trash and that would be fine by me.
Not for me. I'm more afraid of how I'm going to die. As long as I don't die from some disease or accident or wild pack of dogs, I don't care. Once I'm gone, I'm gone. And I don't care what happens to my body after I'm dead. My wife could put me out by the curb with the trash and that would be fine by me.

Can I have your body? :naughty :lol
I'm more afraid of how I'm going to die.

Me too. After my Cancer take my Dad it scared that shat out of me.

I would much rather be crushed by an 18 wheeler. Quick and hopefully painless is the way to go.
What what in the where? :google

These are the things we need to discuss. We have to fix these. I don't care about gay marriage/abortion or any of the other republican standards. Those will not put food on my table.

Luckily the issue of whether or not gay people should be allowed to have abortions has largely been taken care of by biology :lol
This Obama Muslim/Christian thing is just a republican scare tactic.

Yep. I have to confess I've made verbal gaffes like this one. Usually when debating an issue, sometimes I'll make a positive assertion and have to immediately correct it as a negative. It's a blunder that feeds into the fear and paranoia of the unthinking radical right but for anyone with two or more brain cells it's just a gaffe.

It doesn't matter.

None of it matters. Anyone following the Karl Rove AG story knows the election is in the bag for the Republicans no matter how the vote shakes out.
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