This is the sort of nonsense that has no place in intelligent discussion. Clearly you agree with every last thing your parents have ever said since you haven't "distanced" yourself from them. Right? Oh.![]()
And how exactly does ignoring the facts lend itself to intelligent discussion
Obama sat under Wright's egomaniacal,racist, anti-America teaching [or rather garbage]for over 20 years.
Great school them on how to produce Oil. Thats wonderful. Its doing a great job of tearing this planet up. So if that impresses you then boy you must love how things are right now. As far as Obama's speculative vision of alternative fuels studies have shown the stuff he wants to do will work. Personally I want to try those and do what we can to help save this planet. I'd personally like to see your kids and someday my kids, grandkids, etc still be able to live here.
Actually Josh she will be more than apt at describing the conditions in Alaska, both the advantages and risks - and have a credible voice at doing just that; you do know how she took on BIG OIL in Alaska, right?Fuel studies have shown that certain alternatives have a possibility of being effective, unless of course you are talking about nuclear - which IS effective, you can ask the French.
The issue is larger than oil however, it extends to alternative fuels as well, listening to voices like perhaps even T. Boone Pickens.
Obama scares me.
What specifically are you afraid of? Which of his policies do you think will hurt people?
Partial-birth abortion. Allowing it under any circumstances is about as evil a practice as I can imagine. Its Hitler-esque. Hell its Palpatine-esque. I understand there are many Americans who believe that nothing is lost when an unborn child is killed during its first trimester. But crushing the skull of an innocent little kid mere days or weeks before delivery is profoundly wrong.
I don't care how slick he is when making speeches. I understand that people want our economy to turn around and different decisions to be made regarding the war in Iraq. But not at the cost of electing someone with Obama's near total lack of morality when it comes to murdering innocents.
I haven't researched her yet honestly.
Partial-birth abortion. Allowing it under any circumstances is about as evil a practice as I can imagine. Its Hitler-esque. Hell its Palpatine-esque. I understand there are many Americans who believe that nothing is lost when an unborn child is killed during its first trimester. But crushing the skull of an innocent little kid mere days or weeks before delivery is profoundly wrong.
I don't care how slick he is when making speeches. I understand that people want our economy to turn around and different decisions to be made regarding the war in Iraq. But not at the cost of electing someone with Obama's near total lack of morality when it comes to murdering innocents.
So you have made up your mind about her, and have done nothing to educate yourself?! Unfortunately that is par for the course with many voters. I am not singling you out necessarily Josh, but there are so many vocal Obama-ites (and also those for McCain) who are voting out of reactionism rather than a clear handle on the issues; they don't like Bush, but haven't come to terms with Obama either.
She was just chosen. I haven't had time to yet. Have you? Did you know McCain was gonna go with her? I mean everyone on every station seemed to be pretty damn shocked. So yeah I haven't yet but just based on what I've done she sides with Bush/McCain and I have no want for more of that.
weak in experience... as opposed to the "experience" Bush has shared with the country?
So you have made up your mind about her, and have done nothing to educate yourself?! Unfortunately that is par for the course with many voters. I am not singling you out necessarily Josh, but there are so many vocal Obama-ites (and also those for McCain) who are voting out of reactionism rather than a clear handle on the issues; they don't like Bush, but haven't come to terms with Obama either.
Personally I know enough about her - she wants Creationism taught in schools - to me that makes her far too dangerous to hold high office in this country.
Personally I know enough about her - she wants Creationism taught in schools - to me that makes her far too dangerous to hold high office in this country.