It pulled out if hilt intact. It looks good that way. The blue plastic saber cheapens the piece in my opinion so Im happy.
Are you able to put the saber back in without the use of glue?
It pulled out if hilt intact. It looks good that way. The blue plastic saber cheapens the piece in my opinion so Im happy.
The blue plastic is not meant to be removed from the saber. I can't get mine back in with glueing it.
Can someone who has the statue already let me know the approximately diameter and length of the lightsabers it came with ?
Here is a photo from SDCC. No Saber in the hilt. My guess is you ca remove it without breaking it.
Statue is 40% better now. If the Lean turn out not to be as bad it will be full of win at 98% greatness. 2% off for missing hilt
There's no hilt on the belt in that pic. The mystery deepens? Maybe the hilt in the hand was supposed to be removable and attach to the belt?
How bad is the lean?
Confirmed with my fedex driver thats its arrived.
Looks pretty awesome without the blue saber.
Its gonna be very interesting with this "second batch"
Having the correct edition size a possible they could have unhilt saber.. they're receiving so much flack about this.
Wish Alex would comment about this, might have to email Mike if will be seeing a partial refund.
I'm not. I'm at work. I wish I was with the statue right now...
How bad is the lean?