Obi-Wan's Production Photos Posted

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So no ACTUALL in hand photos of Obi huh( nearly 300 posts)....Someone PM, or start a new thread when we get some real pix, thank you.
Wow, I think it took over an hour to read through this thread!

Some excellent points throughout and if I my be allowed to share a few of mine as well:

1. These production pics are not flattering, to say the least. The obvious "wait until in hand" responses that keep popping up would make this and every other forum either obsolete or at the least, quite boring. Removing all conversations and speculations about announced AND revealed products until the items were in hand is simply ridiculous. 90% of the threads started and responded to are "prior" to the products shipping. Once they ship, we get the customary "show us your _____ pics!" type of threads or the more controversial "my _____ arrived broken!" type threads...

2. Sideshow is behind DML and BBI in production headsculpt painting, without a doubt. As a long-time collector of 12" figures from many different companies, Sideshow ranks behind in terms of eyes, skin tone and shading applications. But in their defense, they've come a LONG way from the almost "corpse" skin tone found in their "Red Baron" and "Eddie Rickenbacker" figures, for example. (and their wino bloodshot eyes...) I'm also pretty sure that DML is one of the leaders in volume manufacturering of higher end 12" figures, though someone please correct me if I'm wrong, please. Someone had asked for pics of DML and BBI sculpts. Here are a few pics, just as an example:




Here are a few of BBI's, which in my opinion, are even better than DML's:




3. The pre-delivery gripes with Luke were more about his sculpt and less about his paint apps. The sculpt worked in person though was a ***** to photograph correctly. Anakin's paint apps were pretty badly applied and use of color palette was off as well, especially with the infamous "plum lipstick" lip coloring.

4. Getting back to Obi-Wan, I've been adamant in saying since it's initial announcement that THIS was the figure I was most looking forward to. I have to admit that I'm disappointed in these production pics but again hold out the hope that once in hand it will indeed look "better"- Certainly not as good as the SDCC or Toy Fair pics but not as bad as these current pics show.

5. Finally, comparing Sideshow Collectibles 12" figures to Hasbro 12" figures is a moot point. Hasbro's figures were for the most part low detailed, lower priced toys. It stands to reason that at 3X the price, Sideshow's renditions would definitely be at least 3X better in fidelity of detail. A more honest comparison would be as Abake mentioned earlier, of comparing Sideshow's 12" figures with those of DML and BBI. Then things begin to get interesting.

Thanks to all that had the patience to read through my long post.
King Darkness said:
So no ACTUALL in hand photos of Obi huh( nearly 300 posts)....Someone PM, or start a new thread when we get some real pix, thank you.

This thread is titled "Obi-Wan's Production Photos Posted", though, so it's mainly dealing with just that. But I too want to see some "in-hand" pics soon.
Man, like 250 posts since I last saw the thread last night... too bad a bunch of it was bickering :monkey3

The paints kinda dissapointing, but I'm still of the opinion of waiting till he's in hand to freak out. Its worked so far as every figure (including Anakin) has looked better in person than the production shots... maybe the put out the really bad production photos so we all get worked up and worried and then when it arrives (still not as nice as prototype) it looks better and we are relieved and can enjoy the figure.

A brilliant strategy :lol
TheObsoleteMan said:
Yup, the heads are fully painted.

thanks, i figured as much. that means u'd almost need to paint over top of the factory eye paint which can cause peeling and blistering. really hope they fix those eyes then. i don't feel like stripping/repainting the whole head. hair can be fixed easily.
Mookeylama said:
thanks, i figured as much. that means u'd almost need to paint over top of the factory eye paint which can cause peeling and blistering. really hope they fix those eyes then. i don't feel like stripping/repainting the whole head. hair can be fixed easily.

If you're up for it, you can run an exacto blade around the eye area and literally pop the paint off, then repaint. I've done this before on resin kits, not SS figures.
FlyAndFight said:
Wow, I think it took over an hour to read through this thread!

Some excellent points throughout and if I my be allowed to share a few of mine as well:

1. These production pics are not flattering, to say the least. The obvious "wait until in hand" responses that keep popping up would make this and every other forum either obsolete or at the least, quite boring. Removing all conversations and speculations about announced AND revealed products until the items were in hand is simply ridiculous. 90% of the threads started and responded to are "prior" to the products shipping. Once they ship, we get the customary "show us your _____ pics!" type of threads or the more controversial "my _____ arrived broken!" type threads...

2. Sideshow is behind DML and BBI in production headsculpt painting, without a doubt. As a long-time collector of 12" figures from many different companies, Sideshow ranks behind in terms of eyes, skin tone and shading applications. But in their defense, they've come a LONG way from the almost "corpse" skin tone found in their "Red Baron" and "Eddie Rickenbacker" figures, for example. (and their wino bloodshot eyes...) I'm also pretty sure that DML is one of the leaders in volume manufacturering of higher end 12" figures, though someone please correct me if I'm wrong, please. Someone had asked for pics of DML and BBI sculpts. Here are a few pics, just as an example:




Here are a few of BBI's, which in my opinion, are even better than DML's:




3. The pre-delivery gripes with Luke were more about his sculpt and less about his paint apps. The sculpt worked in person though was a ***** to photograph correctly. Anakin's paint apps were pretty badly applied and use of color palette was off as well, especially with the infamous "plum lipstick" lip coloring.

4. Getting back to Obi-Wan, I've been adamant in saying since it's initial announcement that THIS was the figure I was most looking forward to. I have to admit that I'm disappointed in these production pics but again hold out the hope that once in hand it will indeed look "better"- Certainly not as good as the SDCC or Toy Fair pics but not as bad as these current pics show.

5. Finally, comparing Sideshow Collectibles 12" figures to Hasbro 12" figures is a moot point. Hasbro's figures were for the most part low detailed, lower priced toys. It stands to reason that at 3X the price, Sideshow's renditions would definitely be at least 3X better in fidelity of detail. A more honest comparison would be as Abake mentioned earlier, of comparing Sideshow's 12" figures with those of DML and BBI. Then things begin to get interesting.

Thanks to all that had the patience to read through my long post.


its even more surprisingly since those companies release more at a cheaper price...

Also, for those who would rather pay $50 more for a really nicely painted one........
then.... it'd range aorund $100=$110 right?
Well...thats around medicom and hot toys prices....
well, then get a paitner like customikey or masterfigureles to supe it up and you've got urself a fine Sideshow figure at hot toys/medicom price ;D
abake said:
I still don't understand that "production pieces will never look as good as prototypes" philosophy.
You just need to take a look at DML prototypes and the production pieces: they are identical, no changes in the paint apps.
Same goes for the Luke and Vader figures I've bought from Medicom (and yes, there are paint apps).
And the point is Sideshow's paint apps are not as good as stuff that is coming out from other 1/6 companies, like DID, DML or BBI. And those companies are not charging you more than what Sideshow does.
That, of course, in my very humble opinion.

Obi Wan looks pretty good to me and I'm happy to have him on pre-order. But I do believe the paint apps are not up to par with the companies I mentioned above.

Amen, abake.
maybe its just the dark hair. :rotfl
that happened to the han solo piece plus everyone thoguht he had the chubbiness syndrome

and the anakin figure (regular) had one of the worst paint apps I've seen with the b right red lips that were way diff from the proto pics and yet people love'm :D
sunohc said:
Also, for those who would rather pay $50 more for a really nicely painted one........
then.... it'd range aorund $100=$110 right?
Well...thats around medicom and hot toys prices....
well, then get a paitner like customikey or masterfigureles to supe it up and you've got urself a fine Sideshow figure at hot toys/medicom price ;D

you got it all correct except you left out the fact that you will STILL have a sideshow base body :)

Atleast when you buy medicom and hot toys and pay their prices, you get awesome bodies and costumes to go with the price.
But you gotta think about HT and Medicom being imported too, the price isn't just quality. I mean if they were domestic those figures might bemore like $75 bucks each (which is a price I'd payfor a great 1/6 figure.) Your not so much paying more for a better figure as you are paying more for an imported figure.

But Medicom doesn't make as realistic of head sculpts, they go for the more anime style. I don't like compairing SS and Medi mainly because of that. SS-Realistic Medi-Anime Charicture. I like both, but I still think they're tooo different to judge side by side (exceptfor the bodies, and we've talked about SS bodies till we died)
Those heads aren't very good at all. Even compared to some of the worst jobs folks feel SS has done. They look odd to me and just not very well done.
jlcmsu said:
Those heads aren't very good at all. Even compared to some of the worst jobs folks feel SS has done. They look odd to me and just not very well done.

Seriously?:confused: to each their own I guess!
jlcmsu said:
Those heads aren't very good at all. Even compared to some of the worst jobs folks feel SS has done. They look odd to me and just not very well done.

I have no idea what you're talking about! They look great. We can only pray that Aragorn's stubble is half as good as those guys. Of course if SS had released those same sculpts as a generic figure for some other line you'd be praising it up and down. I keed, I keed!
jlcmsu said:
Those heads aren't very good at all. Even compared to some of the worst jobs folks feel SS has done. They look odd to me and just not very well done.

Hell has frozen over because for once I'm going to agree with you.

Those sculpts and paint jobs are nothing to write home about.

However they do probably excel in their accuracy to what they are supposed to be representing, which is something that can't be said with this figure by a longshot.

My major gripe with Obi is definitley not the sculpt (which I think is great) nor is it particularly with the paint application, it's just how wrong he looks from the correct image from the movie.

His hair and beard were far from being dark brown (I would say it's a lighter reddish-brown) and for God's sake, he hasn't worn a white tunic since Ep1.

SS delays him to fix his robe color yet is evidently oblivious to the fact he has worn a tannish-brown tunic in not just Ep3 but Ep2 as well?:confused:

The thing I accept that will be lost in the transition from prototype to production is some of the fine detailing of the sculpt, not having a simple thing like the paint colors drastically change. It's universally known that if there's any item made from any license that will be picked part for it's screen accuracy it's Star Wars and it seems like SS was asleep at the wheel on this one.

I just wish someone from SS would step up to the plate and give the real story on what happened and how they allowed this figure to turn out so incorrectly made after probably close to a year of development.

I'm baffled at the whole debacle and there's no way they haven't by now picked up on the large amount of disappointment surrounding it.
BDboystoys said:
Seriously?:confused: to each their own I guess!

Yeah, I don't like them. The heads look off and it could be because of the paint apps. They honestly look like cheap doll heads you'd find in dollar store type place.
The ironic thing is that the DML and BBI headsculpt paint apps actually look even better in person, while the Sideshow ones have yet to look as good as their original pics. One way I can attempt to describe the difference is by saying that the DML/BBI headsculpts appear to be airbrushed while the Sideshow headsculpts give the impression of being brush painted. I'm not saying this is what is actually being done. I'm only saying that is one way of describing the differences in paint applications.

I'm going to assume that many people posting here, with the exception of Abake and Sunohc, whom I recognize from the OSW, have never seen a recent DML or BBI figure in person. So to compare them to " doll heads you'd find in dollar store type place." is not only misinformed but actually quite hilarious. :lol

Please Keep in mind that the main issue in this thread is with the production paint application and not the sculpt itself. As has been proven many times, strip the thickly applied paint off of these sculpts and you'll find one amazing rendition of the character underneath.

Every one of us wants the best 12" Star Wars figures possible and that's why many of us offer constructive criticism. But there are a select few that have given the impression that Sideshow can do no wrong and any posts showing any hint of negativity is open to ridicule and/or attack, as if these posts were personal. Unfortunately these same few are just as unhelpful and unconstructive as those posting found on the extreme opposite end. But this has been mentioned many, many times prior to now and apparently has done absolutely no good. :rolleyes:
FlyAndFight said:
But there are a select few that have given the impression that Sideshow can do no wrong and any posts showing any hint of negativity is open to ridicule and/or attack, as if these posts were personal. Unfortunately these same few are just as unhelpful and unconstructive as those posting found on the extreme opposite end.
I seriously doubt SS releases production photos, scrolls through hundreds of negative posts and then says, "Jlcmsu just posted that he's cool with the paint apps boys, no need to issue a recall."
Here's a pic of a DML WWII german I posted a while ago:


It was universally disliked by SST fans, which is understandable, if you like SST's style, you probably won't like DML's style and vice-versa.
But again, the point has more ot do with prototype to production differences, not necesarily which type of paint style we like.