Official Harry Potter Figure Discussion Thread

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One of Rickman's best as Snape is his cold and mysterious piercing stare. So the eyes part is one of the most crucial thing for Snape. I think the eyes can make a lot of difference. I tried to do a digital touch in PS, just changing the eyes, I think it made quite a difference.


I hope Star Ace will notice and listen and take notes on this.
The eyes/eyebrows do need work. But, like I said before, I think the mouth needs to droop too. Also, like a few have said, the jawline needs redoing. I think this is what they're going with and are unlikely to change it now. I hope I'm wrong.

They usually listen to the fans.

I've not known them to change anything after fan comments yet.

I'm still buying it, at least for the clothes/set and because I support Star Ace, but I will likely toss the sculpt.
He does look a little less surprised. But, like I said before, I think the mouth needs to droop too. Also, like a few have said, the jawline needs work.

I've not known them to change anything after fan comments yet. I think this is what they're going with and are unlikely to change it now. I hope I'm wrong.

I'm still buying it, at least for the clothes/set and because I support Star Ace, but I will likely toss the sculpt.

Can I just buy the headsculpt from you then? Might need it for a kitbash, hahaha.
Guess I'm in the minority, but I don't think he looks bad at all. I'm excited to be able to add him to my collection.
That's good to hear! I'm annoyed because I don't like it - makes my collection harder to complete/keep going. I envy you.
I think he looks good too, though I don't collect the Potter line so I don't really have a horse in the race.
The one accessory I wish all of these figures came with is their individual Patronus. Would be a really nice thing to display alongside - maybe made from a similar material to the blue wand bolts. Especially in the case of Snape, where it's so essential to his story.
Disappointing. As of right now I think I'll stick with my Medicom Snape. We'll see...
The one accessory I wish all of these figures came with is their individual Patronus. Would be a really nice thing to display alongside - maybe made from a similar material to the blue wand bolts. Especially in the case of Snape, where it's so essential to his story.

I think including the patronus with each character would double the cost of these figures at the least. Harry's is a stag, and Snape's is a doe, both pretty big creatures.

Hoping Triwizard Harry starts shipping soon! Where right in the thick of his expected shipping dates.