ok, here are some thoughts on the hot toys iron man mark I.
I got him on sunday, but was so bogged down with work that i only managed to look at him last night. and man, what a sight he is to behold...
the reason i held back from purchasing the mark III was that i wasn't too happy about the armour's paintwork, which somehow made it look a little toy-ish. (the mark II was better in this dept)... don't get me wrong, i still like the design a lot, and ht did a good job overall.
well, there is absolutely NOTHING remotely toy-ish looking about the mark I armour.
believe me, i can be quite nitpicky, and i inspected this figure in extreme close up from every conceivable angle. and i just could not find any flaws. now i'm not talking about accuracy to the actual film costume. if i were, i'll bet there's a lot to complain about. but i'm not judging it from that aspect, as this is a 1/6th scale figure and we have to be fair and reasonable, right.
anyway, back on topic.
i had been waiting close to a year for this figure to arrive. and i used to moan about how long it was taking. only now, with the figure in my hands, do i finally understand why it took so long.
the complexity of the armour is not funny. i mean, the sheer intricacy of the mechanical parts that comprise tony stark's first crude attempt an iron man suit is mind-boggling. which is what ht attempted to replicate as faithfully as possible. there is layer upon layer of detail in this armour. ht could very well have taken the easy (and cheaper) way out and sculpted the parts as one solid piece. but every motorized compartment, every hydraulic joint, every wire, cable and hose is an individually sculpted & painted piece. the only way i could be even more impressed is if each part was a moving part. but that would be too much to expect. as it is, many parts have some degree of articulation. so that's already a major feat of engineering.
plus they didn't have to put actual fabric clothing underneath the armour, as it's mostly obscured anyway. but they did, and i'm very glad they did. they even gave minor paint touches like dirt on stark's pants to reflect the grimy, earthy environment he was in. it's commitment to detail like this that elevates ht's work beyond other 1/6 companies.
but to me what truly makes this piece a winner is the paint app on the armour. they've really made it look like pieces of real bomb casings, missile housings, engine parts and hammered steel plates were miniaturized into a 12-inch form. some of you have complained about the paint work, but personally, i can find no flaws in it. when i look at the ht mark I armour, i really feel like i'm looking at the real thing.
notice how i've used the word "armour" in all my praise. yes, the one weakness of this figure is the human aspect. which is the tony stark headsculpt. unfortunately, this is where the figure falters. first of all, it doesn't really look like robert downey jr. also, the paintwork is kinda lacklustre compared to ht's usual output. there's no real life in stark's eyes and i don't like the way his beard has been painted. according to my retailer, the piece i got was of the updated headsculpt, and not as bad as the first version we've seen posted earlier in this thread. so could've been worse for me i guess.
one final complaint about the stark head. it's a tad too small. without his helmet on, he looks a bit like a pinhead. but it's fine with the helmet on.
the great thing about all my issues with the head is that i don't plan to display him with his face exposed at all. so it almost negates the single downside to this figure.
other than that, this figure is pretty much perfect to me. the packaging is superb as usual. the articulation is as good as u'd expect from a figure encased in armour. in fact, he has a pretty good range of poses. i had fun recreating the various stances he had in the film.
this is hands down my new favourite 1/6th figure of 2009. (sorry pred1 and vader! i still love u guys though

and although i've got other stuff coming (eg: the rubber skin T600), i doubt they'll be able to top the mark I. the ht/enterbay godfather is possibly a more superior collectible, but i'm not getting that one, so it doesn't count.
the iron man mark I has my vote for best 1/6 figure of 2009. anyone else agree?
ps: here are some hastily-taken pics. can someone help me upload it to their server and re-post them here in a larger size?