OFFICIAL - Hot Toys John Connor Version 2

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A proper Arnold from the Terminator universe is what I think should be done, have hot toys ever produced one (with his face not blown to smitherines)? I just wonder how they would actually do it, considering he was nekkid in T:S hmm..

That's pretty much the main problem. If they did decide to make an arnold from T:S, Im not sure how they would go about covering up the fact that he is nekkid for the short time we do get to see him in the film.
In the unlikely event they made a naked Arnold they'd surely either have to sell it for less or have it include something else to justify the usual cost of fully clothed figures.
That's pretty much the main problem. If they did decide to make an arnold from T:S, Im not sure how they would go about covering up the fact that he is nekkid for the short time we do get to see him in the film.

Its easy. Just cover him with a grey t-shirt, brown cargo pants, bikers boots and a biker jacket to match. :monkey3
All I want is the Hydrobot and scarred head.
I'll probably sell off the rest.
:lol I swear to God, the day HT's announces any kind of T1 or T2 teaser my post count WILL climb about 1000 per week :D

Same here, particularly T2. I enjoy T1 as a film, but visually, Arnold was a little too 80's looking early on until the police shootout. I doubt we'll see T1 though, no likeness rights for it, T2 on the other hand is covered so they could go to town. Hot Toys Battle Damaged T2 T-800, man I'd be ecstatic for that.
Same here, particularly T2. I enjoy T1 as a film, but visually, Arnold was a little too 80's looking early on until the police shootout. I doubt we'll see T1 though, no likeness rights for it, T2 on the other hand is covered so they could go to town. Hot Toys Battle Damaged T2 T-800, man I'd be ecstatic for that.

Id be so broke!But ramen noodles arent that bad!:rotfl
I dunno man, they MIGHT do a T2, but they shouldn't revisit T1. Its just fine the way it is right now. Just don't want them to bleed the terminator line dry, like what they did with dark knight.

:lol I swear to God, the day HT's announces any kind of T1 or T2 teaser my post count WILL climb about 1000 per week :D
Same here, particularly T2. I enjoy T1 as a film, but visually, Arnold was a little too 80's looking early on until the police shootout. I doubt we'll see T1 though, no likeness rights for it, T2 on the other hand is covered so they could go to town. Hot Toys Battle Damaged T2 T-800, man I'd be ecstatic for that.

Yeah T1 will never happen from what I heard but T2 is a good possibility. I would love to see a HT's BD Arnie. They must have got the TS license for cheap because you know if or when they do T2 we will probably get one, maybe two Arnold pieces. I'd imagine his likeness rights are both exhausting and time consuming to aquire.
Yeah T1 will never happen from what I heard but T2 is a good possibility. I would love to see a HT's BD Arnie. They must have got the TS license for cheap because you know if or when they do T2 we will probably get one, maybe two Arnold pieces. I'd imagine his likeness rights are both exhausting and time consuming to aquire.

all the money they make from 9 Iron Men variants can cover it
Yeah T1 will never happen from what I heard but T2 is a good possibility. I would love to see a HT's BD Arnie. They must have got the TS license for cheap because you know if or when they do T2 we will probably get one, maybe two Arnold pieces. I'd imagine his likeness rights are both exhausting and time consuming to aquire.

Well here's what favors the T2 line, the Terminator 2 license covered likeness rights in contracts, that's why Sideshow produced numerous pieces with his likeness, the T2 license covers it, T2 was one of the first films after Star Wars to really tap into merchandising and they covered likeness in the contracts, so all you need is the film rights, which is why I say T2 is likely but not T1, no one thought to do anything back with T1, same as Predator. Arnie's rights are a pain because you have his people and the film license holder to get approvals from, with T2, it's just the licensee.

I know, blah blah blah, what? :lol
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