Don't worry about staying--they moved the extra post-credits scene and now it ends the movie instead. Nothing after the credits but the lights coming up in the theater.
I just saw it last night, and was suprised about that. I stayed hoping there would be an additional Stark and Nick Fury cameo at the end, like the end of this short: (
shameless plug)
My Hulk is the Hulk from the TV series. Some of the comics are good, but I never cared for most of them because of how over the top they were.
I loved how low-key the series was, and how even though Bixby's David Banner was on the run, he was a good man who still went out of his way to help people. To me, Ferrigno's Hulk was basically the Karloff Frankenstein Monster on steroids, which is what inspired the character in the first place.
I loved the film's references to the series, and it was obviously alot more faithful than the '03 film. I loved the origin, the cameos, the music and the fact that he was called "David" at the end of the film.
Was Norton a better Banner than Bixby? For me, no. Bill Bixby IS David Bruce Banner, just like Michael Keaton Is Batman, RDJ is Iron Man and Christopher Reeve is Superman; but Norton did a damn good job with what he was given. The CGI Hulk looked pretty dissapointing in his first two appearances, but looked pretty bad-ass by the time the climactic fight happened.
I think with today's EFX a heavily made-up body-builder, CGI'ed up to look massive would have been SOOO much more believable.
Overall a good film that I wish to see again; waaaaaay better than the Ang Lee film, but not as good as IRON MAN, which was a 4 star comic film all the way.